Chapter 62

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Hilda wasn't sure how much pain she could handle in such a short timespan.

After they had all watched Marcel take Davina into his arms, they had gone to say their goodbyes. Hayley had been first, and Vincent had followed in order to bless Cami to help her be at peace. Davina and Marcel had gone up together while Freya and Hilda waited.

Davina had come out in a massive flood of tears, and Hilda pulled her into a hug before she moved upstairs and into the room where Cami's body lay.

"Oh, Cami," said the Original, trying not to burst into tears again. She held the blonde's desiccated hand. "I'm so sorry..." she couldn't help herself, and with a whimper, covered her face with her shirt and sobbed. "I-I wish... I wish there was m-more I could have done... I'm so sorry, darling, you never should have gotten caught in the crossfire... I... I hate that Hope and the twins won't get to know you..." She brought her hand up and kissed it. "I thank you, Camille, for making my brother a b-better person. I hope that you find peace."

She dipped down to kiss her forehead with her trembling limps, caressing her hair before sniffling and going to her room, where Alaric waited for her with the twins, knowing she would want to hold them for comfort.

Hilda cast him a grateful look through her tears and took Josie, holding her close and shuddering at the thought of Cami being dead. This couldn't be real. She didn't want to think of how Klaus must be feeling at the moment.

"I should go check on my brother," she murmured, rubbing Josie's back. "I—"

Suddenly, the entire house started to shake violently, and Alaric lunged forward, pulling her close and moving his head to shield both of the babies as he yanked her into the doorway between the adjoining rooms. Hilda immediately grabbed hold of them and sped them into the courtyard where nothing could fall on them. By the time the shaking stopped, her siblings had come out, followed by Marcel, who was still here. Davina appeared to have left already.

"What the hell was that?" said Freya, looking nervous.

"Just an earthquake, I reckon," said Hayley, clutching Hope tightly as she stepped out beside Hilda.

The Original frowned, shaking her head. "That wasn't normal," she said quietly. "That was magical."

"What?" Marcel cast her an incredulous look as she handed Josie to Alaric and moved to the ground, pressing her palm over the floor.

"I feel a magical energy," she mused. "Long ago, a Coven that practiced Ancestral magic taught Kol and I what to focus on when trying to find out of a disaster was naturally occurring or magical. They told us how often, in a place that practices Ancestral magic, there is more susceptibility to earthquakes caused by magic because that's where witches draw their magic from... what lingers from those who walked there before them. It's hard to explain, but I swear, this was caused by magic."

Elijah frowned. "What could have happened? A massive spell? The last time I saw this happen, it was when Davina had too much magic inside of her... before the Harvest ritual was completed."

Hilda pursed her lips. "There was a release of magic. I bet it has something to do with Lucien. The Ancestors are doing something. I—" her phone began to ring and she was it was Davina. "Maybe Davina knows," said Hilda, bringing the device to her ear. "Hello?"


She went rigid. "Kol?" she exclaimed. "What happened? I thought you left the city! How are you calling on Davina's phone?"

"I-I never m-meant... I d-didn't... I'm s-so sorry..."

"Kol!" Hilda cried out, her body beginning to tremble. She sounded more alarmed this time. "Tell me what happened..."

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