Chapter 27

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Klaus moved to hug her immediately.

Hilda squeaked as he pulled her into his arms. "It's nice to see you too," she said, awkwardly patting his back.

"Well?" he said when he drew away. "Are you... alright?"

"I don't really want to talk about it," she said honestly. "Let's get to work. Once things calm down, I can show you and Hayley all the pictures I have of my niece."

Klaus offered her a smile, but Elijah held up his hand. "Speaking of, I am concerned about Hayley."

The hybrid's smile fell. "She looks well enough."

Elijah frowned. "She looks no better than you, brother. Now, if the two of you would treat each other as more than just... passing acquaintances—"

"She has you for that," said Klaus.

"Sadly, like the father of her child, she prefers to fight her demons alone."

Hilda crossed her arms. "Do you mean to tell me that this whole time, you two haven't been bonding or anything?"

Klaus threw his hands up. "Was I really expected to sob into her lap?"

"No, but you could have at least let her know you're there for her!"

"She knows that! We live in the same bloody house! I'm the only other hybrid in the world!"

"Nik, that's not the same as approaching her and telling her that you're going to support her. You two lost your kid and hid away from public view to sell it. You're hurting and you could be there for each other."

Klaus was no longer listening. He seemed to be focusing on another noise. The two vampires stopped as the hybrid sped out of the room. From the courtyard, they could hear Cami's voice. "Hello? Klaus?"

They could distinctly hear Klaus moving around, but he didn't seem to have approached her. The blonde was moving around trying to see if anyone would approach her. Obviously, Klaus was not up for a chat. Elijah and Hilda moved toward the hallway as they heard Cami climbing the stairs.

"Klaus, I know you're here somewhere," she said aloud. "We need to talk."

Elijah and Hilda stepped out from the room, speeding toward where Cami was at the top of the stairs. "He doesn't wish to see you," Elijah told her.

Cami, of course, was startled, and flinched. "Elijah," she gasped. "Hilda... where the hell did you come from?"

Elijah was unamused. "I beg your pardon? Aren't you the one who is trespassing?" He paused. "He doesn't care much for conversation these days. And, he certainly wouldn't care for the fact that you've put yourself in danger by coming here."

Cami looked frustrated at his reaction. "I'm already in danger. I have Guerreras following me like it's a police state. The city's being run by gangsters, and you guys aren't doing anything about it. Marcel took them out a hundred years ago without any of you. Don't you think he might be up for lending you a hand?"

Hilda shared a look with Elijah, but neither sibling made clear what they were thinking. "Thanks for stopping by, Cami," said Hilda smoothly. "Just a small favor— no one need know I'm back in town yet."

She nodded, clasping her own hands. "I know your family is grieving. But I know you don't believe those rumors that Marcel killed the baby. So, if you want help taking down the Guerreras, you have a weapon across the river just waiting to be fired. Use it." She left back down the staircase and exited the Compound.

Hilda leaned onto the railing. "I like her spirit," she mumbled.

Klaus appeared on the other side of her. "So do I." He paused to think. "Perhaps I ought to speak with Marcel."

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