Chapter 6

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Within an hour, Hilda was on a plane to Denver, Colorado.

She missed Kol too much, and wanted to see him. After not even getting to see Finn's body, she wanted to be with the one brother who had always stood by her side.

It brought her comfort whenever she got a chance to see her twin. Even though they'd never really been apart, he could always put a smile on her face. He had her back no matter what. He was the only one of her siblings that really understood her. He reminded her most of Henrik, the baby brother that she missed dearly. Kol kept her motivated and was really the only reason she had stuck with the others as long as this. If they wanted to leave, they would only leave together, at the risk of being daggered together. He was her other half, and the only brother she could trust. Elijah always tried to act like the parent, and she hated it. Klaus was just a dick. Finn, well, he wanted to get them all killed. And Hilda wasn't buddy buddy with Rebekah, either.

She found Kol right where he said he lived, in a small apartment near a motel and a park with batting cages. He was fast asleep, and it was quite easy to sneak in undetected. It was past midnight already, and she chose not to wake him. Climbing into the bed beside him, she curled up under the covers.

He awoke to her sitting on an armchair by the window, drinking some vodka. "Hilly?" he said groggily. "What the-"

"I came to see you, Kol," she said, standing up as he rubbed his eyes. "Finn is dead."

Kol blinked sleepily. "Good riddance, I say."

Hilda growled. "You and Nik are terrible. We've got some information, too. When an Original dies, so does their entire sireline."

"Hang on a minute," said Kol. "Doesn't that mean that if Mother had succeeded in killing us when we were linked..."

"She would have eradicated the entire vampire species," confirmed Hilda.

Kol swore loudly. "We dodged a bloody White Oak bullet with that unlinking spell we managed to make."

"Yes, we did. We were unlinked just before Finn was killed. Another moment too late and..."

"Goodbye, vampires," muttered Kol. "Let me just freshen up, Hilly, and we can go get breakfast. After, we'll go to the park. You can meet Jeremy Gilbert. Maybe, you'll take a better fancy to him than that teacher you haven't yet gotten in bed."

"If you think I'm going to choose a sixteen or seventeen year old boy-"

"It's just a suggestion."

He was ready within five minutes, and they drove down to the diner near the motel to get some eggs and toast before going to the park, where Jeremy had apparently been completing a morning walk of his dog.

"Hello, mate," said Kol as they appeared at his side.

Jeremy took out the earbuds he'd been wearing. "Hey. Is this-?"

"The devilish twin sister I've told you about? Yes."

Hilda awkwardly extended her arm. She was completely unenthusiastic. "Hilda, nice to meet you."

Jeremy smiled and shook her hand. "Jeremy. Are you uh, moving over here? Kol told me your family is from Louisiana."

"Just visiting," she said rather blandly. Kol pinched her arm. "Now, now, Hilly, be nice."

She cast him a fake smile, and to her surprise, Jeremy laughed. "Wow, she's just as pessimistic as you, if not more."

Kol smirked. "Yes, she is. And she controls her temper a wee bit better. How about going to the batting cages this afternoon. Four o'clock, you think?"

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