Chapter 10

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January 26, 2011

Hilda had been having the time of her life.

It was a wonderful thing to unleash. Now, reunited with her twin brother, she had a companion to be reckless with. He knew the instant she arrived that fateful day that she was hurting.

And so they'd been out for blood.

They attended parties to feed and drink. Sometimes, they killed someone. Most times, they only fed and erased. They'd go out into different towns and that was when they'd be brutal. Tearing into throats and feeding until they died in their arms. Sometimes, they'd continue drinking blood even after the person had died, just to see how much they could shrivel them up. Hilda didn't think about being judged or whether it was morally correct. She knew it wasn't and she relished in it. She was drawn to the idea of sinning in order to cope with the misfortune that was her life. She believed in nothing and worshipped nothing because she'd only disappoint them. Any superior deity would strike her down if she hypocritically spoke to them as though she didn't love to kill.

In the meantime, they were kept in the loop about what was happening in Mystic Falls. Klaus was more than happy to gossip and text them (properly) about them encountering one of the Hunters from the Brotherhood of The Five, and that Jeremy Gilbert was set to become the next Hunter in order to find the cure for immortality.

"Nik is ridiculous, in my opinion," said Kol as he and Hilda finished leaving their latest victims in the dumpster. He took out some hand sanitizer from one of the purses on the ground and sniffed it before tossing it aside. "What does he even want with the cure?"

"Dunno. But clearly this is important for him. You know what I want to bet- it's that doppelganger girl. She's a vampire now. If he cures her, he can have his stupid hybrids again. And if one of the Salvatore brothers takes it, they'll have their stupid happily ever after. Klaus was very kind to update us about the fact that tension is high within that trio."

Kol looked at his phone. "What else was it that he said? Oh, yes- 'Tyler Lockwood's GORGEOUS werewolf friend is in town. The day has already gotten better.' Then, not many days later, 'Finally kissed Caroline. Might not count, since I was in Tyler Lockwood's body, but she is an excellent kisser.'

"What'd he say the first girl's name was? Hayley, I think? Also, that means I can try to kill Nik now. Fun."

"Yes, that was it. I wonder if she's really that pretty. Maybe we should go back. Nik has that Caroline girl, and he's left Hayley untouched, thus far. I might have a go at it. I want some fun. You're going to have your fun trying to murder our brother."

Hilda laughed. "You idiot, you sleep with people every other day while I go to drink. I'm not stupid, I know what you do when I'm not there. Do you not get tired?"

"Why would I? Blood and sex together is one of the best combinations. You just haven't ever tried it and you don't know how great it is. I normally wouldn't encourage either of my sisters to go flaunt themselves around to get laid, but you're pissy, Hilly. Pissy Hilly."

She smacked him. "That Salvatore boy is better at nicknames than you. I don't need sex to have a good time."

"Are you still fantasizing about that teacher? You're ridiculous. How good can a human be compared to a vampire? The wimp would last all of what, four seconds?"

"Judging by how often Rebekah pursues humans, they can't be that bad."

"Well, they're fragile. I broke a girl's pelvis, once. Not flexible enough for what I was trying to do, I'm afraid."

"Ouch. Poor thing."

"Nah, she didn't even realize. I compelled her not to feel pain because I'd already bitten her a good few times and she kept whimpering. I didn't want her to be completely quiet, either, so..."

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