Chapter 28

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Hilda felt much better in the morning.

She awoke to peace and quiet. She couldn't hear Klaus or Hayley at all, but there was a distinct sound of something being sipped— probably Elijah, and probably tea.

After a calm shower, she got dressed and went to find her brother in the library, reading and sipping tea, as she had predicted. She only waved at him to show that she was awake before going down for breakfast. She didn't compel the servants this time, and made herself something in the kitchen, eating slowly before returning to find Elijah still reading.

"So where are the two hybrids?" she asked as she sat beside him.

"I imagine Niklaus has taken Hayley on an adventure of sorts. Where, I don't know. But they've been gone since earlier this morning. I expect we'll find them returning covered in blood." He closed the book carefully after marking the page he was on and faced her. "And how do you feel?"

"Decent. I spoke to Alaric, and it felt... like I have some sort of closure. It's clear he still wants something between us but it really isn't a good idea. I don't want to risk hurting him."

He pulled her into a side hug, allowing her head to lean on his shoulder. "You, my dear sister, are too kind for your own good sometimes."

"I am not," Hilda huffed, making a face even though he couldn't see it.

"You are. But if you do not wish to discuss it, I won't push it. Just know you have every bit of freedom to be with that man, if you so wish."

Hilda sighed. "I don't think Nik would like that. He was jealous, thinking Rebekah cared more about Marcel than him even though that's not something you can compare. We're just starting to get close again after everything. He's not going to like the idea of me being with Alaric. He'll say cruel things to him every time he sees him. He'll threaten him and make him feel like he has to constantly look over his shoulder. I understand that you, as our elder brothers, are protective of Rebekah and I, but you've never been this overbearing. You trust that we will make a good choice and if we don't, we learn that lesson ourselves when our heart gets broken. Nik is just... insufferable."

Elijah rubbed her back. "I believe Niklaus is most afraid that you will be hurt and that he'll see in hindsight that there was something he could have done. Some way he could have prevented the pain."

"Alaric wouldn't hurt me. Even as an Original, he's so gentle. He's been so understanding about my past trauma and hasn't pressured me into anything. He has the strength to overcome me, and he knows that, but he let me make decisions and respected every choice I made. That... that's not something a lot of people do anymore. And I feel like an idiot for pushing him away but I'm not ready. Things will go wrong. I know it. I'll say or do something and it will be unforgivable. I'd rather we be friends who could have had something than enemies who had something."

Elijah kissed the top of her head. "Whatever choice you make, sister, we will support you. And if Niklaus attempts to give you grief, I will put him in his place myself. After all, he does wish for you to be happy. He can step aside from being the protective older brother. Alaric is not a bad man."

Hilda half-smiled and sat back up. "Well, I'm going to go into town. See what I can do to occupy my mind because I can't sit here with a book and be so calm when there are other things to do."

"Get yourself some clothes," said Elijah. "Indulge. You haven't yet filled your wardrobe. Occupy your mind with crafting outfits you'll enjoy."

She smirked. "That's a good idea. I'll pick out clothes that'll bother Nik."

"Ah, you see, Niklaus no longer has to worry about what you and Rebekah wear. Feel free to be in a crop top as much as you'd like. With a daughter in mind, I would assume he has transitioned to overprotective and worrisome father rather than brother."

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