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The next day I awoke the same as the 1,095 days before;, desperate. Kara walked in the same as always, emotionless, as if she would rather be anyone else. I sighed, deciding I was done begging, done pleading. She would never see me the same. After all of the hurt I put her though...all of the wasted apologies that she did not believe. She was done with me, and I knew why; I understood why, but as much as I hated it I had to respect her decision. So I was.

She was walking toward me with the wand and I winced in anticipation for the burning on my forehead, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Kara staring at me in horror.

"What?" I snapped. "Just get it over with."

"I don't need to." she whispered.

I frowned in confusion, but she stepped away in horror. "You have her eyes." she said as she turned on her heel and walked away. The enchanted chains she placed around me did not dissolve when she left as they typically did. I groaned in frustration knowing if I pulled too hard against them at any point, they would burn my skin.

"Kara!" I screamed in anger knowing it was futile. This castle was soundproof, no one would come.

I sat on the floor where I stood and sighed, "I'm going to die in here."


The sun beamed upon them as they sat in the clearing. The flowers around them seemed to glisten with the light of the Moon Goddess' very own soul. They didn't know she was watching them, and for a second, she didn't know she was watching them either. For a second, she watched them and longed for a love of her own, one without bounds...a love without worry and consequence. She watched as the young girl with beautiful hair turned to the side in laughter, her hand on the boy's shoulder as he leaned closer to her repeating his words, making her erupt again. This time she could see the girl's face.

"Rave," she whispered in annoyance now knowing the boy who sat with her, Regan.

She walked toward them determined to interrupt their meeting when she saw her, Sienna. She froze. Why was she allowing this?

She turned her sights to her other sister, possessed by Rage.

"Sienna!" she yelled grabbing the book she was reading from her hand. She looked up in confusion, then her expression turned to anger.

"Lucina, they're in love!"

"He's not one of us!" she seethed grabbing Sienna's arm.

"He's a monster!" she spat. Sienna snatched away.

"No. They're not the monsters, Luce. We are...hunting them...killing them for what? They share mystical blood."

"No, they are tainted"-

"The only one who is tainted here is you." she said looking her older sister in the eye.

Lucina took a step toward her saying the only curse fatal to a witch, "Magicae mortum".

Her sister's eyes widened in surprise before she gasped for air before falling to the ground in agony. Lucina reached into her hunting bag and grabbed a knife, marking her legs as if she had been scratched.

She screamed running from the area to the young couple, "Rave!" she screaming in agony, tears streaming from her eyes. "Run! Rouges!" she yelled grabbing her arm and running away from the clearing, and away from their sister.

"Wait!" Rave yelled looking backward. "We can't leave Sienna! She was with me."

She looked back, staring her baby sister in the eyes, "They killed her Rave." she swallowed. "Sienna's dead." she repeated.



I walked from the castle where Cali was confined and shook my head, trying to get the image of what I just saw out of my mind. She was taking over Cali. I wanted nothing more but to scream! Why was this happening?  I turned toward Jesse who was watching me in caution. He was such a  good Beta, not only always protecting the pack but all of its members as well. I remembered first meeting him and thinking he was only an arrogant fool, but I was wrong. Jesse had been an asset to my life on the pack. He was family.

"I'm fine." I reassured him.

"With all due respect Luna, she's you're baby sister. It's okay to not be...okay. That....that witch is stealing of her to hurt you"-

"I'm fine." I repeated. "I just...what's the point in getting emotionally involved just to be hurt in the end?"

"If Cali continues to get worse...what will happen?"

"She'll be executed." I said emotionless and we approached the pack house. Jesse nodded, saying nothing more. I smiled thankfully.

I walked into the pack house immediately greeted by the smell of my family. I smiled thinking of my mate and beautiful son. I rubbed my belly thinking of my baby girl that would soon be in my arms.

I was just about to call for him when Roman appeared from the hall. "Hey," he greeted softly greeting me with a soft kiss on my temple. I smiled and fell into him for a hug. I needed one. Seeing Cali in chains is terrific enough, stifling my emotions for her is as painful as childbirth if not more; but to see Lucina literally taking over her identity sickened me in a way that I didn't even know how deal with.

"How was it?" He asked looking into my eyes. I groaned feeling his body heat leave me and focused my eyes to him, those tunnels to his soul leaving me breathless and almost distracted from the horror of my life. I cringed as I spoke about it.

"Lucina is moving fast." I paused. "Those eyes...the ones that mock me in my night mares, Cali has them now. It's almost impossible for me not to loathe her." I shook my head. "After the fire it was like, I viewed them as one but I hear Cali...I know it's her that I'm talking to it's just that witch is still inside her, under the surface just waiting and using whatever words we give her against us." I stopped talking.

"I know it's hard, but we are going to save her." He said promising.

"How?" I asked feeling helpless. "We have tried almost everything herbs, enchantments....spells, hexes- nothing works!"

"We haven't tried talking to Lucina." He said simply. "Cynn found something today." He concluded. I looked up from the spot in the floor I was staring at and gasped.

"What?" I snapped. "No, if we let her fully possess Cali we don't know that we'll get her back."

"Cali said she had a dream....Lucina's dream. That's how we talk to her without allowing her to fully posses Cali."

I frowned thinking about it and sighed.

"It won't work."

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because nothing else has!" I cried. "I just...I wanna have one normal day where I'm not saving the world."

"I know." He said running my belly and the back of my neck making me swell in ecstasy. "But someone's gotta do it."

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