Decision Time

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She looked at me as if I were speaking a different language.

"What do you mean?" she demanded. I sighed and spoke. telling her of Irene's existence in the dreamworld.

She frowned in confusion then sighed in happiness, "Wait she's here?"

"Her spirit, yes."

"Not a memory?"

I shook my head. "The real her."

She covered her mouth in awe. "Are you serious..I"-

"I don't feel her." she said seriously. "I would feel her presence if she was here, just like before!"

"Not if she's dead Lucina," I snapped my head to the sound of Rave's voice. I heard Lucina take in a breath of air at the sight of the sister she had herself murdered. I took a step back, watching the interaction without involving myself. This was Rave's moment to say how she felt to the person who took her life. I wasn't going to stand in her way. 


"Don't "Rave" me," she spat cutting her off. "How could you, Lucina?" She asked stepping closer to her. I watched as Lucina, the witch everyone feared, became a shell of the power she once possessed falter to crumbs. Here, she was different. She wasn't able to hide her emotions like she could before. Here, Lucina was human. She was able to feel, to process things in her own, natural way as the Moon Goddess wanted. She wasn't in control of her magic here, none of were really, we were all under the control of the Moon Goddess and it seemed as if she too, was tired of Lucina's antics and abuse of power on Earth. 

She looked from Rave's eyes to mine back and forth in frantic. I watched her with a frown, feeling empathy toward her...I hated being in a constant battle between feeling for her, as she was once a piece of me, and wanting revenge. Is this what it means to be "light"? To always feel this nagging need to make sure everyone feels...heard?

I rolled my eyes wishing for once, I could hold on to the anger I had when I got here. I thought of all she had taken from entire life, my sister's life, my identity, my magic, she toyed with mate bonds, families, minds...the list goes on and on. I closed my eyes thinking of Blake and the personal torment she put him through. By the time I opened my eyes, I wanted nothing more for her to pay for the sins she committed. 

"I didn't mean for you to get hurt." she started but took a deep breath. "While I searched for the ingredients to resurrect Irene, I stumbled across a spell to revert time to a specific memory...I had already done so much...evil, I knew I was not going to be welcomed to the other side amongst the rest of you I was going to take it all back," she looked me in my eye. "I was going to erase every mistake," she swallowed. I looked away from her gaze feeling the flames of humiliation course through me from being referred to as one of her "mistakes". 

"Every bad deed...everything would be undone and we would all be together again." she finished with a smile. 

"I really thought in the end it would all work out for all of us,"

"Except you would've taken even more lives rewriting history." I spoke up. She looked at me. "What about me?" I asked furrowing my brows. 

"I..I never.."- she stopped talking and looked at me, regaining her composure. "I didn't allow myself to fully think about that."

I nodded. "Selfish as always," I laughed bitterly. 

"I'm...I didn't mean for it to be like this," she was talking to us both at this point. I had checked out. I was over her and her apology. Her redemption was getting tiring. She was pathetic. 

"But you knew better," I snapped my head to the right to see Irene approaching us. Her brown hair falling beautifully to her waist. She wasn't smiling as usual. This time she was stern. I watched as Lucina fell to the ground in shock. 

"Irene!" she cried covering her mouth. Her eyes were the size of saucers and she seemed to be hyperventilating. "How? Why? I called out to you in my dreams so much, why didn't you come?"

She was walking toward her sister now, with a small smile playing on her lips. "I wasn't sure how to approach were not the same girl I left." 

I watched as Lucina began to sob. I frowned my eyes. I was angry. How could she care more of the approval of her over so many, why was she so important?

I bit my lip in anger, deciding to bury the thought away in the personal vault I built in my head when things became too much. I watched as Irene began to talk to Lucina about how she had disappointed her by not staying pure to their plan. 

"We were to keep the light magic alive...not to...forsake the Moon Goddess with selfishness..."

"I just need you back!" she tried to explain. "With you, I was better. I was light." 

"I cannot come back with you, and if you go back will never see me again. There will be no future of us being reunited. You will not seek redemption, you will not be forgiven by the Moon Goddess." 

I watched as she told Lucina the words that would tear any witch to pieces. It's like telling a Christian they're going to hell...or even worse, the place between hell and heaven, just stuck...alone in oblivion and torment. 

"Unless you come with me now," she finished with a smile as she brushed her tears away. I swallowed as she looked back to me. 

"Will I...can I do what you're doing?"

She smiled at her, "I  heard it's even between when you actually move have free reign on the otherside to come and go as you please."

"Can I see Gabe?" I froze at the sound of his name. My brother. Blake's first mate. I didn't know how to feel about him, I was torn, torn about everyone connected to Lucina. That was her purpose. 

Irene nodded. "Anytime you want." she promised. I watched as Rave looked at me with a smile. I couldn't return it.  She frowned at me. 

I watched as Irene comforted Lucina and how Rave hovered around them to make a decision, but I wasn't here mentally. I was back home, I was thinking of how it's going to be moving forward...coming back from this thing alone... I looked to Rave, I felt a nagging, gut tugging feeling in my heart that told me I wasn't meant to leave here alone. 

"So what's it going to be?" Irene asked Lucina. 

I watched as Lucina grabbed her sister's out reached hand. They looked to Rave and locked hands with her before looking at me. Lucina reached her arm out.

I swallowed, contemplating my decision, do I take her hand and forgive her? Do I end this how war is meant to be ended?  

Mated by FateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora