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"What is it?" I asked eyeing the green, soupy looking mixture in disgust.

"It's a blend of herbs to stifle Lucina's connection with you. She won't be able to hear us or be able to find these memories either." I gulped the mixture down without question, ignoring the burning sensation it left in my throat and stomach. I looked up at her.

She waved out that wand of hers and placed it in my forehead, but unlike before, it didn't burn me. She smiled and leaned forward enveloping me in a hug.

"Oh how I've missed you." She cried. I relaxed in her arms feeling the touch I had been craving from another human being. Too soon it was over. She pulled back and looked me in my eyes.

"It will only last three hours based on the dosage we gave you." She waved her wand undoing my chains and lead me toward the door. I froze in front of it. I was leaving? I turned to look at my room. These four walls watched me closer than any human ever did; studied me in ways even I haven't studied myself. U turned forward looking Kara in her eyes.

"What if it doesn't work and she comes back? I mean I look like her,"

"No." She said gesturing me toward the vanity in the bathroom. "You don't."
I turned to the mirror and gasped seeing I looked like me again. Normal. No makeup, natural me but my hair was my hair color again, and my eyes were back. I turned to Kara and smiled.

"How?" I frowned, "Why now?"

She swallowed. "I want my daughter to meet her aunt at birth...I want this kid to be different."

" want me around your kids?" I asked seriously. I shook my head. "I can't."

"Cali it wasn't you."

"I...I don't trust myself anymore. My thoughts will never be the same. I will always be tainted by her, how can can I"-

"Hey." Her hands were digging into my shoulders. "You are worth a second chance when this is over, kiddo." I wiped the tears that had escaped my eyes and nodded.

"Thank you Kara." I said honestly. And I meant it, "for everything. For...for driving all the way home from your life away at school for me and my boy crush. For forgiving me so many times before all of this when I was just so mad it was like"-

"It was like the same void I feel now when Lucina takes over"

She frowned. "What do you mean by that?"

"It feels like a cloak draped over me...making me so...dark and angry."

She was quiet. "Come on, kiddo. Let's go find a way to beat this bitch."


The outside air was different. I smiled and spun in the rays of the natural sun. I let it soak me up like a sponge. I absorbed the energy I had been missing for three years. I looked at the grass and thought of how I had missed it, seeing it from the tower didn't do it justice. I reached down and pulled a strand, careful to keep up behind Kara.

The walk to the pack house was quite a long distance, I was thankful of the golf cart Kara arrived in. "I figured you'd get tired." She said gesturing to it parked outside.

"You don't typically ride here?"

She shook her head. "I enjoy the walk. I can clear my head." I was quiet after that.

The pack house was as beautiful as ever before. I remembered the fire from before and sighed in shame. Even though Lucina had done those actions, I would always remember doing them.

We walked through the entrance of the house and immediately the energy changed. I was greeted with looks of disgust and the entire room went dead silent. I swallowed in nervousness as I followed Kara into the hallway that lead to the meeting room. I walked in and looked around, noticing the older man from before.

"Cali." He greeted me immediately. I smiled.

"Hello." I looked around at Roman and smiled. "Hi Roman." He returned the smile.

"Glad to see you." He said simply. "Look a little tired."

I nodded. "I...I've been having these weird dreams." I admitted.

"I think they're Lucina's memories. I think it's her subconscious." He nodded.

"Yeah, I heard about that." I turned my attention to a girl I never met but knew instantly.

"Cynthia." I greeted. She furrowed her brow. "Lucina dreams of you a lot."

She frozen blinking at me. "What kind of dreams?"

I swallowed, "the first one was a memory of you in a room with blue walls and...some song playing"

She smiled slightly, "that was the day I was greeted into the coven." She quickly recovered her expression. I nodded remember she was once their supreme, but I knew she was also her mother. I wondered how this all was for her, to be conspiring against your own mom.

"About those dreams," she continued as Kara closed the door. I locked eyes with Jesse, The beta of the pack and he returned a glare. I quickly looked away. There was something about his aura that was scary. I remembered knowing him from before, he was always so kind to me. I looked down.

"We think those are the key to helping you."

I looked up at Roman's dad, the previous Alpha as he spoke, "Lucina's subconscious is the key to figuring her out, her weaknesses, her strengths"-

"Her plans." I finished. He nodded with a smile. "Okay so what...what happens."

"You'll be put to sleep with a similar mixture as the one you drank earlier, but it'll be modified to both bring Lucina's subconscious forward, while also stifling her witch abilities, so she's unable to posses you further."

"To wolves, our subconscious is our wolf. It's like...another soul."

"That's how it is for witches."

"So what you're saying is...if we're able to find Lucina in this dream, and kill her"-

"You'll be free."

I smiled but it quickly faded, "It almost sounds too good to be true."

Kara was quiet. Unusually quiet for her.


"If...we are unsuccessful Lucina will be...livid we invaded her thoughts."

I frowned. I always questioned Lucina's true power after the day I awoke knowing she had been possessing me; unlike before with the fire and lake, I didn't remember what she had done. Which meant, she also knew how to stifle my memories when I awoke. If they fail and she awakes, she won't hide her true power anymore. She could potentially possess me entirely.

I swallowed and nodded in understanding.

"When do we do it?"

"Well, I voted for today but, the coven has been working on higher dosage of the mixture you drank today that'll weaken Lucina's power. So the night we do this, she'll be too weak for her subconscious to put up much of a fight" Cynthia said.

"I want it to be a slaughter." I turned to the door that had just opened and gasped. I locked eyes with the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He had brown skin and curly brown hair. His eyes were a sweet brown and his smile welcomed two deep dimples on both sides of his perfect smile. I noticed he was locking eyes with me in the same fashion. When I looked into his eyes my heart almost beat out of my chest. It was as if something inside my body had awakened and I could feel him in my fingertips. I had known crushes and this was not it....this was something like love at first sight. I wanted to know him. I went to speak but my words just fumbled out before I could.

"Blake." I called. He frowned in confusion before storming out of the room. For the first time in those three years, I had finally felt alone.

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