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     I thought about my words to Blake, my promise to him. I would come back to him a hero, someone to be proud of. I looked to Rave, wondering how this little gift could become forever. I longed to reunite Kare and her. I spent so long raining on Kare's parade that, I felt like I owed her the world. It was true.  She was always the better sister, the nicer one, and all actuality, she taught me how to be a good sister, and a great friend. And Rave, I always looked to her as the enemy, deciding that since she put Kare first above all, that meant there was no room for me, but it wasn't true either. I spent a long time living in a bubble, and one day it popped. At first, the air outside felt raw in my lungs, but now...the air of freedom is comforting on my skin. I finally believed in fate now.

"You're deep in thought," Rave said suddenly breaking my from my distracted thinking. I chuckled nervously as we walking through the greenery. 

"Yeah, just a lot on my mind...all of this is...surreal still." I admitted. "I'm not used to being outdoors for so long, or...walking this much for that matter."

She nodded making her red hair bounce with her movements. "Ahh, you were locked away for some time now."  I nodded allowing the awkward silence to blanket us again. 

"How do we beat her?" I asked after a few minutes of blindly following her. 

She smiled, "with the one person she loves the most." She stopped walking and waved her hand to the right, I followed her gaze locking eyes with someone I had never met before, but I knew once I saw her who she was. 

"Irene." I greeted with a soft small. I was weary of her. I had heard mixed stories and reviews of her as a witch. She hated wolves from what Lucina said, and I had a love for them since I could remember. 

"Cali," she said smiling. "Wow, you look so much like your mother,"

"With all due respect," I swallowed. "She is not my mother." I spoke sternly. It was the truth, yeah we may share DNA, but she did not raise me. She did not instill any values or morals in me like my mom did. She wasn't there when I was sick and she damn sure did not pray for me to come into existence every night. I was a pawn to her, like everyone else. Not her child. I was an offspring to her, and that's all I would ever be. 

She nodded in understanding. "I see my sister has caused a great deal of hurt in this lifetime." she spoke with sadness. "Though, I am afraid she is not all to blame."

She walked with us now, leading us somewhere. I locked eyes with Rave, questioning her decision to follow the Wolf Hater, but she gave me a look that told me I needed to trust her, and so I did. 


" I was her protector. I know all sisters are like that with each other, but us two were different. We were always together, never to be without the other. Our parents enchanted our magic so we would always work better together than apart. The only way to become stronger is to be so close to each other's spirits that distance has no bounds."

She smiled, "There was only one sister I was that close to and it was Lucina. We were in synch...we could read each other's minds; If Irene had cut herself I could feel the pain, or I could heal myself and heal her too...a bond that strong makes you feel invincible,"

"until that bond is broken." she said melancholy. She looked to the ground. "I watched as Irene lost me, the way she turned from a beacon of light magic to the talisman of darkness was almost instantaneous. She made the conscious decision to avenge a death that was fated, thus causing a rift in nature that refuses to let me rest."

"After I died, I saw reason...I forgave the wolves that killed me because when you die you give your perspective and you gain the perspective of the world and I understand how one life is so small in comparison to the greater good of humanity. That gift of knowing is...heaven, it is peace."

Rave smiled in knowing, "I want that for Lucy." Irene said continuing. I nodded in understanding.

"So you're here to help us?" 

"Yes...I'm here to help Lucina transition on...she wants to bring me back, but I don't want to be limited to Earth anymore." 

"So where do we start?" I asked.


 I walked alone, retracing my steps as I walked back to face the lion herself. Now knowing her fate, I wanted to know her reasons. I was not satisfied with her just moving on to peace, that would be too easy. This time around I wanted her to suffer. 

   She was the reason I was the way I was, so angry, so defiant...She made me into a prop into her disastrous plan at revenge. She brought to life pain for her own disposal, toyed with the bonds of love and fate all to her advantage. She killed and killed again, just for the amusement. How could she deserve peace? How could she deserve happiness?

The sky was dark now, as if a storm were brewing and I knew the spell I put on Lucina was surely fading away as the hours were coming to an end. I approached the ruins of the building that once stood and rolled my eyes in fake amusement when I saw she lay where I left her. 

"I was born at night, not last night." I spat. "Get up. I want to talk." 

She sat upright, not denying her ploy, but shot me a smirk instead. 

"You want to talk to me?"

I swallowed, diverting from my initial plan to be emotionless and cruel to her. "Can you just...stop? Like for one second, can you just...try to be different?" I looked her into her eyes and the same look, that...fraction of humanity slid through again and she stood. 

"Okay," she said softly. "What?" she said in a more stern manner.

I started walking and nodded with my head for her to follow. 

"Come on," I said. I wanna show you something. She eyed me in suspicion but nonetheless followed.  

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