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Anticipation swirled within me as I approached the quaint, little purple house. This was to be our new meeting place for the coven, Cynthia's abode nestled just ten minutes away from the pack. A sense of farewell washed over me as I glanced back at Jesse, who remained parked in his car outside, a silent sentinel waiting for my return.

Cynthia welcomed me with a forced smile, her insincerity hanging in the air like a heavy cloud.

"Cali, nice to see you," she fibbed, and I returned the counterfeit grin, stepping into the house.

It was a charming interior, where the walls wore a pristine white coat, and everything was elegantly trimmed in lavender. The entire house exuded the calming fragrance of lavender, a known source of purification and good fortune in the world of witches. After the tumultuous years we had endured, the need for such cleansing was readily apparent.

The group of girls and two guys who occupied the room came into focus as I surveyed the gathering. "Now that you're officially free from evil, we can formally introduce you to the coven," Cynthia announced, turning to a tall young man by her side. "This is Toby and Ginx," she gestured toward the shorter, more robust fellow standing next to me. "Olive, Sienna, Jestiny, Tabitha, and Miya," she continued, pointing to the others who were present. For once, it struck me how everyone seemed to embody the essence of their names.

A burst of laughter filled the room as Miya chimed in, "Especially Ginx." I met her gaze, then turned my attention back to Cynthia.

"She's a mind reader too," Cynn revealed.

I had always pondered the concept of reading minds. It seemed both convenient and potentially burdensome, particularly when faced with unkind thoughts from loved ones.

"That's the blessing and curse bit of it," Cynn replied to my unspoken musings. She rose and approached the table, handing me a gift box. "Open it," she said, offering a sincere smile that seemed unusual, hinting at a hidden motive.

With curiosity, I opened the box to reveal a bracelet adorned with a black crystal at its center. "Tourmaline," she explained, her smile unwavering. "It helps shield your mind from manipulation, including mind reading."

I cautiously put the bracelet on, casting wary glances between Cynn and Miya. "How do I know you're not lying?" I asked.

Miya giggled. "It works, I swear. We have all our closest friends and family wear them. It's the best way to let the people you love and care for have privacy in their own heads. For some of us, it's the only way to find peace. I imagine having access to your mate's thoughts must be quite the experience." She held up a similar bracelet, "See, even I wear one."

I furrowed my brow. "Is that different from our mind link?"

Laughter filled the room. "Oh, absolutely. As a witch, you get special perks with a wolf as a mate," Ginx chimed in, flashing his fangs with a grin. I couldn't help but smile in return.

"You're the first of your kind I've encountered," I admitted.

He chuckled awkwardly, "Right back at ya. I like this one. She's peculiar, a perfect fit."

Cynn's smile was a bit more restrained. "She seems to fit right in everywhere," she noted, a reminder of my status as the adopted sister. A frown crept onto my face, but then, a sudden jolt of electricity and a cry from Cynn drew my attention to Jestiny, who was glaring at her.

"Be nice. It's not her fault," Jestiny scolded before retreating into the kitchen, though not without casting me a small, reassuring glance and a smile. I had found a friend.

As I returned my gaze to Cynn, I discovered her glaring at me. This promised to be an intriguing journey ahead.

I expected to see Blake after our last night together, but I was met with the disappointing new that he had conveniently left for his hometown early in the morning.  A wave of irritation threatened to wash over me, tempting my eyes to roll, but I clenched my teeth and suppressed the urge. I had resolved to hear him out, as Kare had advised, though it proved far easier said than done. Each time he resorted to such a hasty retreat, it chipped away at my trust in him. How could I rely on him to be there for me if, when upset, he chose to turn his back without a word? A sense of sadness enveloped me as I pondered how he must have felt to depart without explanation.

My thoughts inevitably drifted to the recent ceremony. I hadn't explicitly informed him that I was joining the pack; I had merely mentioned that I was being welcomed into it. At the time, I failed to recognize a distinction between the two, still learning the intricacies of this new world with each passing day.

Beside me, at my designated crafting station, we were diligently creating dream catchers for the upcoming Coming of Corn festival. This time-honored tradition symbolized good fortune for the crops and prosperity for the nearby villagers, akin to a sweet prelude to Halloween, just a fortnight earlier. A sly smile tugged at my lips as I stole a glance at Ginx.

"Am I doing alright?" I inquired, catching his immediate attention. His nod was reassuring.

"Eh, you'll get the hang of tightening the net as you go, but your weaving technique is impeccable; just do it like this," he moved from his chair to guide my thumb closer to my index finger. I observed the row of netting tighten, enhancing the image within.

"Thanks!" I replied, my smile radiant. I practiced this newfound technique throughout the project, elated with the results.

"Alright, now this one's yours," Jestiny informed me with a smile. "You just need to imbue it with a charm."

"Charm it?" I questioned, perplexed.

"Like with a spell," Cynn stated matter-of-factly.

"Shove off," I retorted with a hint of exasperation. "I'm tired of the attitude. I've done nothing to deserve it. Fate dealt its cards, and they fell in my direction rather than yours. That's on fate, not me," I declared, the room hanging in tense silence. Regret threatened to overtake me, but I held my ground. I meant every word. Today marked the final chapter in her reign as the mean girl. We were sisters, and she could choose to accept it or not, but I was here to stay, and I demanded respect in return.

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