Dream Catcher

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    "All you do is imagine, think of all the goodness you want this dream catcher filled with; protection, love, joy, wisdom, peace, beauty, wealth" she chanted. I watched as Olive walked around the table.

"You'll feel yourself swell with the power of the light and it will wield at your will." Sienna joined in.

"You have the power," Ginx said smiling. "It's up to you to unleash it."

I closed my eyes and reached out the dream catcher, it immediately drew to my hand and began to flow with immense force. I watched as the feathers erupted into heinous movement.

"Woah," Cynn said at the said time the catcher landed in my hand.

"That was a lot of power," Sienna said clutching her chest. They looked between each other.

"She was possessed by the strongest witch any realm has ever known," Cynn said staring at me with a straight lip. "Residual power, nothing fancy if she can't even do a spell." I watched her, feeling myself get hot with anger, like.... like I was on fire.

"Guys...." Miya said staring at me with wide eyes. "She's on fire!" she yelled moving back.  I gasped in surprise and instantly thought of being cold. I was out with a smokey finish. I coughed back to fumes.

"Okay she needs a control charm ASAP!" Tabitha said holding her cheeks. "Imagine if she's hugging someone and she turns into a walking fucking candlestick."

"Or holding the prince." Cynn said smug. "You really should be in chains." "Ow!" she glared at Jestiny.

"E-nough." Ginx said angrily. "You're pissing everyone off with the bitter shit Cynn. Get over it! He's, her mate. How selfish can you be?"

"It's giving Lucina." Jinx muttered while leaving the room. Jinx was really big on energy. He was like a sponge.  She turned away on her heel, letting the pretty white door slam as she departed.

"I'm sorry she hates me." I said honestly. "I deserve the treatment though. I was not the best with Kare and Roman being mated...I was a big wrench in their getting together and looking back...it was easy to be selfish because I was hurt. Cynn needs time. It can't help that I've completely taken over her entire world." I said simply. I tugged my dream catcher a bit tighter.

"I'm going to go ahead and hang this up." I said awkwardly.

"Here," Tabitha said running back into the room. I hadn't even noticed she left. "No unconscious magic," she slid a ring onto my finger. It has a pearl of some sort inside.

"Moon stone," she said smiling. "Look it up in this," she gave me a book. "Thirty minutes to an hour a day. We'll do quizzes on them periodically until we know you know your crystals and charms."

I walked back outside, finding Jesse talking to Cynn. They instantly stopped talking when I came around to the truck. "Oh please don't let me interrupt you." I said sarcastically.

"Wouldn't dream of it," she spat back walking into the house. I looked up at Jesse with a frown.

"She's impossible," he snorted. "Come on Buttercup," he laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Buttercup is new," I mocked laughing back him. I got in the car as he gestured with the door open. "Thanks," I said getting in. Jesse's car was all black and super sleek. It looked like he spent more time cleaning it than driving it and he drove it like a machine. Always calculated, never swerving, but never going slow. He was always like lightening, efficient and thorough.

"What?" he asked catching me watching him.

"Do you have a mate?" I asked without wasting the time denying I had been in fact looking at him.

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