The Party Part 1

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I watched him. We were in a room full of people but his eyes were all I cared to find in this room of discoveries...of faces to meet. I cared not of the people in the room, not to be rude at all, but I had missed him the most in my absence. I reveled in the fact that every time I turned my gaze to find him, I was greeted by those brown eyes staring back at me. My golden boy. He grinned at me, the kind that made you swear you saw the stars inside his eyes with how they lit up, gesturing for me to come over to him. I happily obliged. He was speaking with some people from the pack. He introduced me to them, but I was awfully shy...I did not like big groups of people and unfortunately for me...there were a ton of people in this pack.

"You used to love being the center of attention." I snapped when I turned to see my mom. I grinned at her. I gave her a hug.

"Until I wasn't around a crowd for years." I sighed. I looked around at Kare and Blake and Roman, how they maneuvered in this world. I was jealous. I cursed myself for it, but for once I was the one who felt they didn't belong. I turned to find my moms gaze; she was watching me.

"I hate that you're all wrapped up in this." I turned to my mom with a frown.

"What do you mean?" I pressed turning my body toward her.

"I mean with Kara and her bullcrap." she spat. She pushed some hair out of my face, "I miss the old you."

I grabbed her hand. "Kare's crap and my crap are a lot more alike than you think. She actually is my blood." I watched as her face faltered and I wondered if I should apologize, but in this moment...being rude was the right thing. How dare she come take my side after the kind of daughter and sister I had been?

"And I don't miss that girl at all." I walked away from her. Away from the party, going to the one place I felt like being...

the tower.

I walked across the long stretch of grass reaching the stretch of the tower. I sighed as I grew close. I never noticed how much I would miss being alone until I felt alone in a room full of people. I looked up at how every brick lay aesthetically pleasing to me, staggering up to form a gigantic spiral that seemed to disappear after a while.

"So high up..." I mumbled.

"It is." I turned to see Jesse. I smiled.

"Jesse!" I greeted in surprise. I laughed. "Hey, you scared me."

"I didn't mean to." he apologized. "I just saw you walking away from the party...dedicated to you in your honor." he laughed.

I smiled at him. Sometimes, it was like Jesse had been the only kind person I had known. From the beginning, he always separated me from Lucina like he knew I was capable of being better- even when I was an evil little shit.

I thought to his words. The party was kind of in my honor. A welcome back for Rave and I, but I couldn't help the feeling of intruding.

"How are you Cali?" I turned to face him and sighed wondering how I really felt. I was faced with the fear of making any mistake and being looked at as if I was the real monster, that Lucina had no parts of my own evil. I was also happy. Happy to be back, happy for a second chance to be a good peer to the ones who had fought and worked so hard to save me, and for the chance at love with Blake. I was a witch now, and that was exciting but it also brought fear. Fear of me actually becoming Lucina...or worse.

I could feel the power in my bones. I was not the same girl I once was. The things I went through changed me. I signed and smiled at him. I decided today I would enjoy the life of Cali.

"I'm fine." I lied through my teeth. "I just needed a breather. I'm actually gonna catch you back at the party. I just need a moment alone."

"Can I be honest with you?" He asked cocking his head to the side as he watched me with a small smile. "You're a terrible liar, my love." I was caught off guard by his words but as if I had no choice, a smile graced my lips.

"I'm sorry." I said honestly.

"As am I....more than you know." He took a long look at me before stepping back on his left foot then turning to walk in the direction of the festivities.

I sat staring in the area he had just walked away from feeling confused, but it wasn't my own confusion. I looked up from the clearing and found myself looking into those familiar brown eyes. Only this time, they were staring at me with one clear expression across them.


I frowned looking at my mate across the distance.


Before I could say his name he was standing in front of me, towering over me in dominance. I swallowed at the sudden close proximity.

"What was that?" He asked. I expected him to yell, but his voice was soft. Calm even.

I looked up at him, avoiding eye contact as I suddenly felt small.

"He's just always been nice to me." I said honestly. "I just return the favor."

He took in a breath. "Cali. I am of Alpha blood. I live on another Alpha's land, I take orders from him and his Beta and my best friend who is the wolf can't take playing second to my own mate." He took his hand and found my chin.

"Why won't you look at me?" He frowned. I said nothing.

"'re not second. No one could"- I stopped when I noticed I was rambling and allowed my eyes to find his. I instantly felt...calm and seen, like I was meant to fit right in this moment with him.

"No one could ever have the spot you have in my heart Blake." I said honestly. "I just...can I be honest?"

He nodded. I took a step back from him and took in a deep breath. "I get scared sometimes that you'll regret having me as a mate like you did when you first found out." I felt my heart sadden at the possibility of the truth of my words.

"Absolutely not." He was back in front of me. "When I first found out you were my mate I was confused. I didn't know that Lucina had tainted the fate of my mate to fit her own agenda. I thought the moon goddess was punishing me. I thought this would end with me being hurt, the kind of pain I was warned about the first time. But with Daniel, it wasn't...this."
He frowned.

"When I found out he was my mate there wasn't a moment where I felt like no one else existed. I didn't feel like he...he a part of me or meant for me or anything like that. It just didn't feel right. It's because he was not my mate. You are. I wouldn't have been able to kill him if he was."

I was quiet. "How did it feel when he died?"

He was quiet for a second. "It felt like I was free from some...tether that was connected to my soul. It didn't hurt. It just like a spell had worn off. " He said honestly.

"I'm glad she's gone." I said honestly.

"I'm glad you're here." He said looking me into my eyes. I leaned toward him and hugged him. I let myself sink into the folds of his body. Feeling the warmth of his blood as I listened to the echo of his heart beating in his broad chest. I loved it here. Right here. I always wondered what it would be like to finally be free. I stared out the windows of the castle wishing for nothing more than to be outside in this very grass. I never imagined freedom would feel this good. I wonder if Blake did?


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