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— JIMIN IS WAITING PATIENTLY FOR YOONGI ON THE COUCH WHEN THE OLDER FINALLY ARRIVES AT HIS OFFICE, pushing the door open and slipping inside. Jimin's immediately greeted by the overpowering scent of Vodka and peppermint, and arousal. Yoongi is panting slightly, cheeks red from anger or from humiliation is still unclear to Jimin, but judging by the fact that he's uneasy right now, he might assume that Yoongi was upset with him. Jimin's quick to jump to his feet, making grabby hands for him, gripping at his forearms when he gets close to him.

"I'm so sorry," he babbled, looking up at Yoongi with guilt in his eyes. "I didn't m-mean to embarrass you like that, especially in front of my father, I-"

Yoongi doesn't give him a chance to finish. He's gripping Jimin by the waist and spinning them around so he can back Jimin against the wall. He pushed one hand against the door, slamming it shut, and proceeded to lock it. He's growling loudly, his Alpha unable to hold back any longer. It's such a primal sound that initially shocked Jimin as it tore from Yoongi's throat, the loud vibrations resonating through the air. Yoongi's lips are so close to Jimin's throat that he's afraid Yoongi might actually try to take a bite out of him, but when he sees That Yoongi's free hand is balled up into a fist next to his as it rested on the wall, he realizes that Yoongi isn't upset with him for what had happened earlier, he's angry in general, and this is his way of dealing with it. Jimin isn't backed against the wall because Yoongi wants to lash out at him, it's a silent plea for help.

Jimin gently cradled Yoongi's face in his hands, pressing his forehead against the older's. He feels guilty knowing Yoongi's all out of whack because of him. He's a little embarrassed to have caused Yoongi such distress, and he almost squeaked in surprise when he can feel just how aroused Yoongi is as the older pressed himself against him, burying his face in his shoulder. "I'm sorry," he mumbled again, carding his fingers through Yoongi's hair in a soothing manner. He kissed the top of his head, and then his temple, feeling Yoongi relax against him slightly, but he's still growling. Jimin pushed his face against Yoongi's collarbone, breathing in his scent. He placed a delicate kiss to the exposed kiss, and when Yoongi did not protest, he moved his lips further up, kissing and nipping at the skin. Yoongi's growling subsided slowly. "I'm so so sorry, I should have known better, but I-"

"Shhh," Yoongi whispered, then, and it's so soothing that Jimin wants to cry. Yoongi should be upset with him he not only distracted him from his work, he humiliated him in front of others. Jimin knew how much he hated to be put on the spot, especially when it came to him. But there isn't even a hint of anger in his voice as he addressed him. It's not fair, Yoongi was too good for him. "I'm not upset with you," he grunted, wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist. He's no longer growling, the low rumbling in his chest is more along the lines of a soft purr now, and it's comforting to Jimin's ears knowing that he's successfully managed to calm Yoongi down. He pushed his face against his neck, running his nose and lips over his scent gland, scenting him. Jimin rolled his head to the side, giving him more access to do so. "I'm not upset with you," he repeats. "I'm frustrated with those men, fuck, I'm so glad you couldn't see the way they were thinking about you during that meeting, but I could and-"

"Yoongi please, you're going to make yourself sick with Anger," Jimin whispered, pulling Yoongi's face back down to continue scenting him. "-they won't do that again, not after they saw us like that. I really am sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that, I know you don't like the attention,"

"Stop apologizing," Yoongi whispered, against his neck. "It's not your fault,"

"Yes it is," Jimin replied, pouting. "I mean look at you, you're a mess," Jimin murmured, motioning to the older with the wave of a hand. "I could smell you from down the hall, you reek of...of, well, a bitch in heat to put it bluntly," Jimin stated, frowning, although internally, his Omega is pleased with how easily he could turn Yoongi into a mess. Only he could do that. No other Omega had that kind of effect on him.. Yoongi half choked, half snorted at the comment. Jimin was blunt for an Omega, something Yoongi cherished about the younger, and was often a defining character trait that separated him from the other Omegas. It was probably the reason why Jimin's father had intended to leave him the company despite his status, because Jimin wasn't one to let another Alpha push him aside. That and because Yoongi knew his father still had the expectation that Yoongi would ask permission to marry Jimin one day, and if that were the case, Yoongi would inherit the company through marriage.

Yoongi let out a heavy sigh, pulling back from Jimin. He inhaled deeply, satisfied with how heavily his scent was mixed in with Jimin's.

"I'll manage," Yoongi responded, "-stop worry, alright? I don't like to see you upset,"

"I'm going to worry," he mumbled back. "You're my Alpha, and you should be mad at me right now, fuck I really am sorry-"

"Jimin," Yoongi replied sternly, hooking a finger under the boy's chin, and forcing him to look up at him. "Please," he begged. "You know I'd never get upset with you over something like that. If anything, I put myself in that position, I'm better than that. I should have had more control," he grumbled. "I damn near caused a scene back there,"

"Yeah, because of me,"

Yoongi sighed. There was no winning this argument. Jimin was not only blunt, he was stubborn too.

"What are you even doing here in the first place?" Yoongi questioned, curiously. It wasn't like he was upset to see him, nor was it that uncommon for Jimin to come around. He was a CEO's son like himself, meaning he did have a certain obligation to the company. Jimin didn't hold the same power in his father's company like Yoongi did, but he did shadow his father most of the time, paying attention to the things around him. But Jimin wasn't too fond of coming around his father's company on account of how many Alphas there were. Jimin was used to being surrounded by Betas, and the Alphas here made him uncomfortable. Unless specifically told, many of them weren't aware of Jimin's relationship to Yoongi, and usually resulted in Yoongi snapping at someone who got too close.

"Father had some business to attend to, and I didn't really feel like being cooped up at home all day. I would have made plans to hang with Taehyung or Jungkook, but Jungkook had a board meeting of his own, and Taehyung was accompanying his father to the grand opening of a new Hotel that he had part in establishing. So when Father said he had plans to stop by and say hello to your Father, I asked if I could join. I wanted to see you, and maybe even see if you wanted to get lunch but..." Jimin chewed nervously on his bottom lip, "I've already caused enough trouble as it is,"

Yoongi let out another sigh, but he was smiling, so Jimin knew he really wasn't in trouble with the older.

"While lunch sounds tempting, I have a lot of paperwork that needs to be filled out," he stated, cupping Jimin's face with his hand. He trailed his thumb alongside the outline of his jaw. Jimin nodded in understanding, turning slightly to reach for the door.

"I'll leave you to it then. I should find my Father, let him know I'm still in one piece,"

"Oh no," Yoongi chuckled, shaking his head. "You are going to sit there while I work. After that little stunt those Alphas pulled today, I'll be damned if I let you wander about the building by yourself," Jimin nodded, making his way over to the couch once more, and plopped down atop it as Yoongi sat himself down at his desk, removing his jacket in the process. He doesn't notice the way Jimin eyed it as he sets it down beside him. Yoongi glanced upwards, catching Jimin staring at him intently.

"Do you plan on staring at me the whole time?" he questioned. Jimin giggled lightly.

"No. I promise I won't be a distraction. I'll be on my best behaviour,"

Yoongi smirked.

"You better," he teased.

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10/10 chance that I will rewrite these first two chapters because man does it feel like I just decided to set you all down in the middle of a story with no fucking context. (update 2021: i did in fact rewrite them)

but on a side note, what do we think of the rewritten chapters so far?

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