seventeen (m)

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—JIMIN WOKE TO TENDER KISSES AND WANDERING HANDS. Warmth pooled in his stomach as Yoongi's fingers danced across his skin, dipping and curving over the expanse of his body with care. He'd spent so many hours studying his body that Yoongi knew almost every inch of him.

He rolled over and was met with eager lips, Yoongi's tongue pushing its way delicately into his mouth to taste him further. He could smell the arousal and aggression in the air, but the minute Jimin responds, fingers coming up to tangle in soft locks, Yoongi calmed, settling down on top of him with a gentle purr.

Jimin had never experienced an Alpha in rut – let alone an Alpha in pre-rut. He'd heard plenty of stories from other omegas who's Alpha's had gotten really aggressive with them, snapping left right and centre and from what Taehyung had told him, Jungkook apparently had a habit of fucking him against whichever surface he could find; a wall one day, his desk another, his own lap if he wasn't in the mood to fuck Taehyung but still wanted to drive the older crazy, but with Yoongi...he didn't get any of that. The most aggression Yoongi had shown during his pre-rut was the fact that he got incredibly snappy with coworkers when Jimin wasn't around. It got to the point that he began working from home to avoid losing his temper.

But Yoongi hadn't tried to take advantage of him sexually; he wasn't trying to bend him over the first surface he could and fuck him like Yoongi had warned could happen. Sure, there was the one day Yoongi had managed to wrestle him out of clothes and into bed so they could cuddle naked, but Yoongi had been very gentle about the entire thing, and honestly had spent more time kissing him then he did trying to undress him.

Jimin carded his fingers through his boyfriend's hair tiredly. He could feel how hard he was against his thigh but unless Yoongi asked, he'd keep his hands to himself.

"Good morning," he murmured, looking for Yoongi's lips again; he wanted another kiss.

"Morning," Yoongi replied, voice husky with sleep. He shifted uncomfortably on top of Jimin, hips grinding against his. Jimin moaned softly against his lips. "Help?"

Jimin smiled into the kiss as he slipped a hand between their bodies, squeezing him through his sweats. A soft groan slipped through Yoongi's lips as he rocked himself against Jimin again, chasing the friction. He'd been hard the minute he woke up and was desperate for relief. He didn't want to push Jimin – he felt like he was using him half the time to help calm himself down – but when all the younger did was look at him lovingly and willingly agree to help him, it was hard not to ask. To put his pleasure in his hands.

Jimin pushed Yoongi up and onto his back, and moved to settle between his thighs on his stomach. He placed a kiss to Yoongi's hip bone, just above the waistband of his sweats, before tugging the waistband. It snapped gently against his skin. "Can I?" Jimin asked, peering up at him with wide, eager eyes.

"Yeah – fuck baby – please,"

Jimin hooked his fingers under the band and pulled Yoongi's sweat down far enough for him to envelop his length in his mouth.

"Oh my god,"

Yoongi let out a breath of air, relaxing into the mattress. Jimin hummed around him in contentment, causing Yoongi's hips to jerk a bit. He wasn't expecting Jimin to do that.

This was only the second time that Yoongi had let Jimin blow him – the first being in his office during his lunch break. Jimin knew his rut was getting bad when Yoongi had pulled him inside his office and asked in a polite, but stressed tone, if he could suck him off, which is how Jimin ended up on his knees under Yoongi's desk, lips wrapped around his dick. It hadn't taken Yoongi long to cum, and they both agreed it might be best if Yoongi worked from home until his rut had passed.

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