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YOONGI SHIVERED LIGHTLY AS HE WANDERED DOWN THE SIDEWALK. November was in full swing now, snow falling in large flakes, covering the city in a blanket of white. He'd been awoken by an eager Jimin who had sent him pictures of the snow from his living room window — through the darkness of the winter morning, he could make out the cranes by the harbour; an abundance of snowflakes swirling all around, and when he pulled back the curtains in his own bedroom, he was greeted with a similar view of the city being buried in snow and ice.

to: yoongi ♡
from: jiminie
sent thursday @ 6:05 a.m.
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winter is here!!!

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winter is here!!!

to: jiminie
from: yoongi
sent thursday @ 7:00 a.m.
1 attachment

I am well aware

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I am well aware


It was colder now that it had been this morning and he regrets not wearing a heavier coat. Driving to work always gave him the illusion that he'd been fine with a light coat because he drove, and had heating in his vehicle. Not to mention, there had been a brief moment of deception from the sun when it had peaked out from behind the clouds this afternoon. The sun had long gone, setting beyond the horizon and hidden safely from the world behind foggy clouds. It was considerably darker out now.

Why he hadn't just driven himself was beyond him; of course he would have to go back to the office anyways for a last minute, late night meeting between his father, him, and the staff, but at least he would have been warm. Thankfully, he was not far from his destination; Hoseok's dance studio promised warmth...and an abundance of energy that Yoongi probably wasn't prepared for.

For as long as he could remember, Hoseok had always wanted to open a dance studio so that he could combine his two favourite things: teaching and dance, specifically for smaller children or youth. Hoseok surprisingly had little patience for adults. He'd always been good with children, though, so no one was quite surprised when he finally went through with the idea, and rented a small space to teach. Fast forward a few years, and he suddenly had a very successful dance company.

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