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Yoongi flinched at the harshness of his tone.

"An absolute fucking idiot," Jin muttered, pouring the older a drink, and sliding it across the counter for him. Yoongi was beginning to regret stopping by. He knew better than to bring it up to Jin, but he told him anyway, thinking he might be able to provide some insight. He could see Hoseok's eyes growing wide from behind him. "You're only making it worse for the both of you, and yet you still tip-toe around the situation like it's going to solve itself,"

"I'm not tip-toeing around the subject, Jin-"

"Bullshit. Stop making up excuses, Yoongi, you know damn well that you are, and you're choosing to ignore the fact. How could you be so stupid? Promising him something like that when you know you're not going to follow through with it,"

"I made him a promise, Hyung, I-"

"Oh so you're actually going to go through with it?" Yoongi doesn't miss the sarcasm and slight malice laced in his voice. It's harsh, and straight to the point, and Yoongi hates that Jin's right to a certain degree.

"I said I would, didn't I?" he bit back, narrowing his eyes at the older. Yoongi definitely regrets telling him. He had hoped that Jin would be a bit more gentle with the topic, but it seemed as if he was siding completely with Jimin again. He could understand him, really, but this wasn't just about Jimin. It was about him too.

"You said that last time, and you bailed last minute, sending Jungkook in so you didn't have to deal with the guilt of leaving Jimin alone,"

"Jin, baby, give it a rest," Hoseok breathed from the other side of the kitchen, his drink half raised to his mouth. "You're being too harsh on him,"

"I am not. This has been going on for far too long, and I don't want to see Jimin get hurt because Yoongi can't follow through with his plans!"

"And you think guilting Yoongi about his actions and feelings is the best way to do it?" Hoseok countered, giving his friend an apologetic look. He set his drink down on the counter and pulled Jin against his body by his waist. Jin whined in protest, but Hoseok let out a warning sound, snapping his jaws lightly near his ear. "You know how Yoongi feels about this sort of thing; and he has a good reason for not wanting to spend a heat with Jimin. You know what happened, that's enough to unsettle anyone, even a big, strong Alpha like Yoongi,"

Jin huffed.

"I am well aware of the situation, but Yoongi is playing with Jimin's emotions with empty promises when he is nowhere near ready to spend a heat with him. You're giving him false hope!"

"Now hold on," Hoseok argued. "Yoongi promised Jimin that he would spend his next heat with him, so maybe that means he is ready after all,"

"It was a heat of the moment state-" Hoseok shot Jin a hard look that wasn't anywhere near intimidating, but was enough to quiet him so he could finish. "-Besides, It'll still be, oh what, at least another four to five months until Jimin's heat hits? Obviously, we're not including this one because they've already made arrangements for Jungkook to help, but that gives them plenty of time to talk about it, and to give Yoongi the time to back out if it becomes too much before it's too late,"

Yoongi could see Jin's expression change. Hoseok made a solid argument, and Yoongi was grateful to have him in his corner. And now that he thought about it, Hoseok was right. They would have plenty of time to talk about his heat, and to make sure that this was something that they not only wanted, but were ready for as well.

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