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to: min yoongi
from: jeon jungkook
sent saturday @ 11:05 a.m.

I have to swing buy your office today to pick up a file
Do you have time to talk?
It's about Jimin and well...y'know

to: jeon jungkook
from: min yoongi
sent saturday @ 11:10 a.m.

Of course
Come up to my office


"YOU ALREADY KNOW WHY I'M HERE," Jungkook said, as he stepped into Yoongi's office. The older was seated at his desk, typing away at his computer. He didn't look up at him.

"Yeah, I know," Yoongi grumbled, his Alpha already irritated with the conversation. It wasn't Jungkook's fault; he wasn't angry with him. He was more upset with himself. This had gone on long enough, and he was annoyed that he'd let it get this bad.

Jungkook clung close to the door, crinkling his nose at the bitter scent that filled the air. He could smell his annoyance.

"Are you going to be okay with it? I know Jimin said you were "fine" with it," Jungkook stated, putting fine in quotation marks, "-but I want to hear it from you,"

Yoongi sighed, closing his laptop a little harder than necessary. He rubbed a hand over his face in frustration, sighed again, and looked up at Jungkook with a firm look. He appeared to be deep in thought, but Jungkook knew that was just his normal expression.

"I can't pretend that it's not going to bother me — he is my omega, after all — but I don't want him to suffer because of me. So I'm okay with it," Yoongi replied, the last part through gritted teeth. "I am...grateful for you and Taehyung being there for him when I can't,"

Jungkook could see Yoongi's pride taking a hit as the words came from his mouth.

"I understand. I'm sorry that it came down to this," Jungkook replied, scratching the back of his head. "I know that this hasn't been easy for you at all over the past few years. I know everyone talks about how hard this must be for Jimin and all, but I'd probably go ballistic if I had to share Taehyung like that, and here you are, doing every single time Jimin's in heat. That takes a lot for an Alpha,"

"Yeah," Yoongi sighed. He pushed himself away from his computer and stood up. "You're clean right?"

"Yes," Jungkook nodded. "Taehyung and I get tested every other few months," he explained, even though Yoongi knew all of this. They had the same conversation every time Jimin's heat came into question. "And I already asked Jimin if he was on the pill to make sure that nothing happens between us,"

"Okay," Yoongi swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I don't want to overstep anymore than I already have, but I made sure to book time off for his next heat too, I-"

Yoongi gave him a funny look.

"Jimin didn't tell you?" Yoongi questioned, cutting the younger off.

"Tell me what?"

"I sort of...promised to spend his next heat with him,"

Jungkook choked on his spit.

"You did what?"

"I agreed to spent his heat with him," Yoongi rushed out, embarrassed about having to repeat himself.

"Wow, I um, wow. That's great though, Yoongi, it means that you're-"

"I don't know yet," Yoongi interrupted with a harsh edge in his voice. "I've already had this conversation with Jin and Hoseok — and Jin thinks I'm an idiot for it — but I couldn't say no to him after the way he looked at me. I thought he might break down if I said no, and to be honest, a part of me is excited. I'm glad I said yes, but whether or not I'll be able to follow know what happened last time,"

Jungkook would never forget Yoongi calling him up at an ungodly hour of the morning because the anxiety had become too much for him. He pitied Yoongi in a way. He couldn't imagine how that would feel if he had to do that to Taehyung.

"Yeah I know," Jungkook said. "-but last time you were nervous the whole time leading up to his heat. You're not nervous this time. I mean you are, but it's a good nervous, like when you want to tell someone you love them for the first time. It's frightening until you do it and then peace washes over you when you realize it wasn't so bad after all,"

"Thanks Jungkook,"

"Seriously, this is a good thing. Don't forget to talk to Jimin about it. Good Alphas can communicate with their Omegas — not to say you aren't good at that, but you know what I mean. Just because you're hesitant doesn't mean you're doing it wrong. It shows you care,"

"Hoseok said the same thing. Baby steps,"

"Those are good too. Ease into it slowly," Jungkook agreed. "That's what Taehyung and I did. I was super hesitant with him when it came to our first time. We started slowly, like seeing each other naked, and spending time together like that, curled up in bed or something before moving onto something more...intimate. It helped, and when it came time for the real thing, it made everything a lot more smoother,"

"Again, Hoseok said the same thing. And I suppose that is something we could do, I just...I don't want Jimin to feel like this is something he has to do," Yoongi muttered. "-Be with me that is," he added for clarification. "Our families have this expectation of us, that we'll ultimately get together, and I want that. I don't want him to think we have to be together, though, because that's what's expected of us. I want to be together because it's what we want,"

"Sometimes you're stupid y'know that?" Jungkook stated. "Jimin's been hopelessly in love with you since the day you two met. You really think he isn't doing this because he wants to? Do you honestly think Jimin would be this patient when it comes to sex with you? If he didn't want you, he would have dipped and found another Alpha to satisfy his needs long ago. He wants to be with you Yoongi. The only problem is that you've let your fear become you and it's preventing you from seeing that. And don't give me any sort of bullshit, you know I'm right and I know you love him too. The least you could do is let him know,"

Yoongi hated that he was right.

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v short, but is mostly a filler chapter

also, i made a twitter if any of you want to go and follow it? probably gonna post like teasers for future chapters and other writing related info

its if you wanna find me there

anyways, enough shameless self promo, if you have questions or something is confusing, leave a comment and i will try to get back to you as soon as i can

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