Step one, you say we need to talk

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*April and Matthew are together, living just out side of Seattle. Lately they've been arguing a lot about little things and April is over it.*

Aprils POV

''No Matthew! Why would you even say that! Why would you even think that?! Just because we've both been busy working and haven't been seeing much of each other lately, doesn't mean you can accuse me of cheating on you! I would never do that! You know me!''

''Do I? Do I know you? Because recently, we're fighting over the smallest, most irrelevant things, like where to eat dinner, who's going to do the laundry. And then after a fight, you disappear. You leave the house, and don't come back for hours. Where do you go!''

''So I leave the house to cool off, and you think I'm cheating on you? Me... of all people! I may have disobeyed God in the past, but cheating is a sin that can NEVER be forgiven. Why do you think I would do that?''

''Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you left me at the alter for another guy. You then eloped, and got pregnant. But no April, that doesn't sound like you at all.''

''How dare you! How dare you bring that up. I thought we moved past that years ago. Clearly not. If you can't get over yourself, then I don't see how this is gonna work. Marriage is about more than just love. It's about trust, honesty, communication. Obviously you lack these, because this is the first I'm hearing of your concerns, and by tone of your voice, and the accusations you're making, you've been thinking about this for a long time. I wonder, if you had communicated your issues 6 months ago, would we be having this argument right now?''

''And you're one to talk about communication and honesty. I'm not the one who accepted a guy's proposal, only to leave him at the altar because she was in love with her ex. I'm also not the one who lied about being a virgin.'' 

''Oh you stop it right now. Stop it. You have no right to bring that up. That has nothing to do with this.''

''Damn right it does. You can't talk about me not being honest, when you were never honest yourself. You're still not honest, sneaking out of the house for hours at a time, not answering the phone or replying to my messages.''

''You wanna know where I go Matthew? Really?! Fine! If you actually noticed, I only disappear for hours when I don't have Harriet. So when I leave, I go to Seattle, to see my daughter. Is that a CRIME? To see my daughter? Gosh, if you really can't trust me, then it's over.''

''You know who else is in Seattle? Jackson!''

''Well I'd be a bit concerned if he wasn't in Seattle looking after my daughter!''

''That's not what I meant, and you know that!''

''What I know, is that I'm done arguing with you. Let's just forget about it, move on.''


''Fine. But Matthew, you're sleeping on the couch tonight.'' 

Lately, I've had a feeling. A feeling that was different to what I felt when I married Matthew. I was happy, excited, in love when I married him. Now, I felt anger, boredom and sadness. Matthew didn't make me happy anymore. The honeymoon phase was over, definitely over. I didn't want to be in that unhappy marriage anymore. We didn't have kids or pets together, so the divorce would be easy, but I knew he won't want one. Knowing him, he would stay in this boring, unhappy marriage for the rest of his life. Me? No. I was going to do something about it. Wether it be divorce, or taking time to focus on getting back to that happy place. Maybe go on a holiday, but then again we can't travel because of COVID-19. Maybe get a baby sitter for the night and go out for dinner? But most restaurants are closed. Looks like we were stuck with good old communication, something he struggled with. 

It's was times like these when I missed Jackson. I missed the family we had. Us and Harriet, it was great even though we were divorced when I had her. We still felt like a family. Also, Jackson had really changed. He was not the guy I married all those years ago. He matured so much, and he believed in God. He found his faith! That was the subject of basically all of our arguments. I like to think that if we were still together when he found God, we would have had more kids, and a very happy marriage. Maybe I should try and get closer to him again. Maybe..... he still loves me, because I know, deep down, I still love him. I needed to talk to Matthew tomorrow. If he was not willing to communicate without arguing, then I wanted a divorce. I was going to have my lawyer draw up some papers because I already knew how tomorrow was going to go. I would bring up the topic, he would get all defensive and annoyed, I would continue talking about it, he would start yelling and bringing up things from the past, then I would start crying. And that's it.... that's how it was gonna go. 

*The next morning*

When I woke up this morning, I opened the blinds to see a grey and rainy day. Great, what an amazing day to have a 'discussion' about your marriage with your husband. But as I walked down the stairs and into the living room, I sa Matthew on the couch shivering, but he was also bright red and sweating. Damn, he had a fever of 102 Fahrenheit. This was bad. A fever is one of the first symptoms of COVID-19, which meant me and Harriet, who I just dropped off to Jackson the other day, probably had it too. 


Hey guys! This is my second story so please comment and vote! Japril was one of my favourite ships even though they were a bit toxic at the end. Will they end up together in this story? Read to find out! xx

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