Let him know that you know best

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*1 week later*

April's POV

It's been a week since Matthew died and I'm doing better. It still hurts to think about him but I don't think about him all the time. If anything at all, I just feel extremely guilty. I feel like it's my fault. We all got COVID but we lived and he died and I never got to apologise to him while he was conscious. I've been praying that he could hear me the day that he died, not only to ease my conscience, but to ease his. I feel so bad and I hope I didn't cause him too much pain. He was a good man and I treated him horribly. I'm not going to forget the things he said to me and I'm not going to make excuses for him but he didn't deserve to die. The one thing that touches my heart is that he's with Karen and Ruby, his head wife and daughter. They are all together again in heaven. 

Jackson has been really supportive this last week. He hasn't judged me at all and I can imagine this isn't the most comfortable position for him. He's comforting his ex-wife turned girlfriend over the death of her ex-husband. Man, that's twisted. I don't know if I could have made it this past week without him though. I think next week will be much easier, the first week is always the hardest. 

(a/n: hey guys so i got about this far thru writing this update then accidentally fell down the rabbit hole that is youtube and ended up watching pointless videos for hours... just thought i'd share that info hehe. Anyway on with the story!)

I need to move on. I can't dwell on this forever or i'll lose myself, my faith and everyone around me. I'm driving alone in my car when I get a phone call. I slow down slightly and reach over to the passenger seat to grab my phone. All I need to do is press the answer button and then I can speak through bluetooth. The caller ID says Owen Hunt. Why is Owen calling me? Does he need me at the hospital? 

Just as my hand reaches the phone the sound of a car horn fills my ears. I look up and suddenly a car coming the opposite direction is speeding towards me and isn't showing any signs of stopping. 

Do I accelerate and try and get out of the way? Do I stay and hope that they stop in time? If I accelerate and try and get out of the way, will I make it in time? I'm not given much time to decide considering this is happening in a matter of seconds. 




Crash. Our cars collide and I'm flying into motion still buckled into my car. The car rolls off the side of the road and down the hill and onto a bank next to a river. 

Newtons first law:  if an object is moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force.

 My seatbelt somehow unclipped and I find myself flying out the broken windshield. I'm in motion in a straight line at a constant speed until I hit the ground. A force stopped my motion. I roll off the bank and half into the river with my upper extremities still on the bank and my legs dangling in the cool icey water. 

I am unconscious but my sub conscience is still in tact. I know that with my legs in the cold water that I will eventually get hypothermia, but I don't have the physical ability to move them. I know that I probably have a concussion or brain bleed but there is nothing I can do to help that. I know that I probably have lacerations from the broken glass all over my body that will get infected due to the dirty environment I lay unconscious in right now. 

I wish I had the strength to wake my self up, to call for help, to wave down passing cars. But one small problem. There were no cars on the road at the time of the crash, other than us two. This river that I am laying in is also not visible from the road as I did not even know it was down here, which makes it very hard for me to be rescued. 

Surely Jackson will realise I'm missing and he'll track my phone or retrace my steps until he find me. Hopefully someone realises I'm missing. Hopefully someone rescues me. Even when I do wake up, will I have the physical strength to stand up and walk up the hill to the road? Will I be too hypothermic by then to function? Will I wake up at all? 

A million questions are running through my sub-conscience right now. Will I live? Will I be rescued? Will Harriet and Jackson be okay if I die? Will it hurt? Am I going to be in pain? Will I be strong enough to make it to the road once I wake up? Is this karma for everything that happened with Matthew this last year? Is God trying to punish me? I apologised, what else can I do? What does God want me to do to make it better? Not only is He punishing me by killing me, He is hurting Jackson by taking his girlfriend away and hurting Harriet by taking her mother away. 

Suddenly I feel my eyelids become lighter. I'm slowly beginning to wake up. Finally I can assess the situation with my eyes, see if there is anyone around and look for help. I have people waiting for me, counting on me. I cannot die. I must make it out of here alive, whatever it takes. I will get to the road, wave someone down, go to the hospital and live happily ever after.


a/n: I am so sorry for not updating, I'm so slack. Anyway I was running out of ideas so what do I do? Injure someone. So April is unconscious on the side of the road. Will someone find her or will  she have to find her own way to safety? 

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