'Cause after all, you do know best

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April's POV

I awoke suddenly, my eyes heavy, body numb, and tiredly looked around to take in my surroundings. I had no idea where I was or what happened, and I had no idea what to do next. I scoured my body, looking for any obvious injuries of mine. I rolled onto my stomach and used my hands to push myself up into a kneeling position. I fell backwards onto my ass which was surprisingly much more comfortable than sitting on my shins. The memories of the crash started to come back to me as I saw the smashed up car, the river and the road up the small hill. I decided my best option was to climb up the hill to the side of the road and wave someone down. My mission to move was quickly thwarted as a sharp pain shot up my left leg, . I had obviously broken or fractured it for it to have been that sore. 

I tried to push through the pain, I tried to mash it down and ignore it but with every army crawl I took, the pain became unbearable. I couldn't move. I couldn't get to the road. I decided my best option was to yell as loud as I could, but the likelihood of that getting me anywhere was slim. All I could hear was the roar of the cars as they sped past me, disregarding my call for help. My last option was to try and find my phone and literally call for help. 

I tried to push through the pain and use my arms to drag my body to the wrecked car. Each crawl was agony, but my only chance of living was if I made it to that car. The car was upside down which made it a lot easier for me to reach in. The windows were smashed, glass was everywhere which cut my arms slightly. I searched the entire front of the car as thoroughly as I could in my situation, but nothing. 

I decided to say a prayer, Jesus was the only person who could hear me. I prayed that someone would fine me, I prayed that I would live, I prayed that Harriet and Jackson would be ok if I didn't, I prayed that someone would find me. I said these prayers out loud as I continued to search the car for my cell. 

Jackson's POV

Worry flooded my mind, April had been MIA for four hours. Not a call or text from her, nothing. I opened my phone and clicked on find my iPhone. I clicked on her profile and it said she's 10 minutes away, but hadn't moved in 4 hours. Something was wrong, something was very wrong.

''Harriet sweetie, hop in the car we're going for a drive.'' 

I followed the winding roads, carefully scanning for a car, a crash, or for April. I went around a curve and out of the corner of my eye noticed a broken side-rail, broken trees and skid marks. I pulled over onto the side of the road.

''Harriet, don't move. Stay there.'' I instructed purposefully. 

I crossed the road, grasped onto a tree for support and gazed down the hill at the river. Her auburn hair reflecting the sun blinded me, a wave of pure horror flushed through my body. I jumped the silver side-rail and ran sideways down the hill being sure I didn't lose my balance. Her eyes were heavily shut, she was covered in lacerations oozing a deep red colour, her skin tinted by the colour of the dirt as it stuck to her wet skin. I couldn't tell if it was sweat or water from the flowing river beside us. 

My eyes scanned our surroundings, I called 911 for the other person involved in the crash, they were alert and awake. I couldn't wait for an ambulance so I scooped her up, climbed up the hill that grew increasingly steeper with every step I took, crossed the road and got safely to the car all with an unconscious April in my arms. 

Pure terror and shock consumed me, fear and anger engulfed me. I put Harriet in the furthest row of seats and I laid April along the middle row of seats where Harriet was previously sitting. I pressed my foot hard on the gas being sure to go as fast as I could, as safely as I could. 

Harriet was terrified, she put on a brave face but underneath her facade I could tell she was scared. I could hear small whimpers coming from her row of seats, those whimpers soon turned into soft cries.

''It's going to be ok honey.'' I tried to comfort her. 

''What's wrong with mommy?'' She said, her cries growing increasingly louder.

''I'm not sure yet but we're gonna get her to a hospital, okay?'' I said trying to keep my poker face. Underneath it all I was broken, terrified and scared, but me showing my feelings would only hurt my daughter. 

We finally arrived at the hospital, the car came to an abrupt stop. My door flew open as I told Harriet to go find a nurse to sit with for a bit. I opened the back seat, scooped her up and made a run for the doors of the hospital.

''We're gonna need a gurney!'' I yelled as I ran into the ER of Grey Sloan. 

''Oh my god!'' Lexie screeched as she parked the gurney beside me. 

''She got into a car crash, we're gonna need Torres, both Greys, and Sloan.'' I said urgently as we rushed into a trauma room. 

''Avery. Avery! Jackson! You need to go sit down, you can't be in here! Go sit with your daughter, we will handle April.'' Meredith said as she verbally pushed me out of the room. I followed her orders, I walked my tired body to the nurses station to grab Harriet. We walked slowly to the waiting room, hoping for the best. Praying for the best.

''I have an idea.'' I said softly to Harriet. She glared back at me with her big, innocent, blue eyes. ''Let's go pray for mommy.'' She nodded her head in agreement. We came to our feet and walked hand in hand to the little chapel. I grabbed a match and lit a small candle for the two of us. 

We sat down, eyes full of tears and prayed. 

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