Between the lines of fear and blame, you begin to wonder why you came

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Hey guys! CAN WE JUST TAKE A MOMENT TO TALK ABOUT HOW APRIL IS COMING BACK TO GREYS!!!! Honestly I'm so excited to have her back. Okay enough about that  and onto the next update... enjoy!!

Aprils POV

I usually don't remember my dreams. I mean, I know that I dream but I can never actually remember any of the details for longer than 2 minutes after I wake up. But not today. I woke up and hour ago and I can very clearly remember my dream from last night. It was basically a compilation of all the happy moments of me and Jackson being together. From the night of the boards, to when we ran out of the chapel hand in hand and even to when I gave birth to Harriet. And every moment was in deep detail. It felt as if the dream lasted all night, but as a doctor I know that it was probably only for an hour or two. But the best part of the dream was the end, it ended with our kiss from last night. 

That kiss still doesn't even feel real, maybe it wasn't. Maybe I made it all up in my head. I don't know if I should talk to Jackson about it though. What if it wasn't real? Then I would have completely embarrassed myself. But if it was real, maybe something could come out of it. Maybe that kiss triggered the dream I had? I don't know, I'm just overthinking it. I need to just be upfront about it. Blurt it out, then I'll deal with the consequences. 

I feel bad for falling in love with Jackson all over again, especially since Matthew is in the hospital on a vent probably dying of COVID right now. It makes me feel guilty because we're technically still married and he's not really in the position to sign divorce papers or have a discussion. But I want to be happy, and Jackson makes me happy. Plus, we're sorta stuck in an apartment for 2 weeks and it might be super awkward if we don't talk about it. 

So I decide to finally get out of my room and go out into the kitchen for breakfast and what do ya know, Jackson is standing there, pan in hand, flipping pancakes. There's a massive stack of them right next to him so I presume they're for all of us.

''Morning sweetheart. How'd you sleep?''

''Hi mommy, I slept good. What about you?'' Harriet replied as she waited anxiously for her pancakes. 

''I slept amazingly.'' I glanced at Jackson, the focused my attention back on my daughter. ''Ready for pancakes?'' I asked in an excited tone.

''YES! I want PANCAKES!''Harriet yelled while jumping up and down in her seat.

''Alright, here they come. Get your plate ready.'' Jackson said as he walked over to the table.

*later that night*

Okay... I'm going to talk about it. I'm going to do it now. God now I know what Jackson felt life when he stood up at my wedding. Oh gosh, here he comes. 

''Hey.''I said as I walked into his room. Jackson was lying on the bed  staring at  the ceiling. 

''Hey.'' He sat up and faced me.

''So, about last night-'' I'm doing it, I'm actually asking him about it. 

''Look. I love everything about you. Even the things I don't like, I love. And I want you with me. I love you and I think you love me too.... Do you?" Silence grew between us and then he broke the silence by continuing what he was saying. ''But, you're married to a guy who's very sick right now and I don't want you focusing on me, on us, when should probably be focusing on him.''

''Jackson I- that's what you said when you stood up at my wedding. Word for word, I'll never forget it because it was one of the best day's of my life. Listen, there's nothing I can do about Matthew. I can't help him, I can't fix him, I can't visit him. If he dies, of course I'm going to be sad, but it's not going to stop my world from spinning. But if you died, I would die. I love you too and as much as this is bad timing, I need some happiness in my life, and you make me happy.'' 

''But what about Harriet, what about our friends, what about your husband.''

''Harriet would be happy if we got back together. Our friends, they'd probably be happy too, I know Mark would be. And Matthew... I haven't loved him for probably 6 months, maybe a year. Him being on a vent isn't going to change that. Plus you don't know the arguments we've had, the allegations he's made. He's accused me of cheating and lying and none of that is true. But most of all, he's accused me  of cheating on him with you. He was so insecure our entire marriage and it was something he could never get past. And I can't be in a marriage with a guy who doesn't trust me. So even if he does live, I still choose you.'' 

''Aww April. I'm sorry you had to go through that. You should have told me.''

''I couldn't have told you. Me visiting you or texting you or calling you would have made the situation so much worse.'' I admitted.

''You're right. But i'm so sorry he treated you like that. I never should have asked for a divorce all those years ago.''

''Stop, it's not your fault. I abandoned you when you needed me the most. You may have asked for the divorce, but  I triggered it. I caused it and I regret it so much. I regret it every day.''

''So what are we going to do about us?'' He asked. 

I started walking towards the bed where Jackson was sitting. He stood up just before I got super close. Our bodies were almost touching and our eyes never left each others.

''What do you want to do about it?'' I asked seductively. 

And then I kissed him. It was the most passionate, deep kiss I've ever had. It's like all the tension, all the suspension had been released when our lips touched. I felt relieved. It's like I was drowning and he saved me. 

''I wanna get back together.'' He blurted out 

''Me too.'' And then the kiss deepened. I reached down and lifted his shirt over his head, he did the same to me. We walked over the the end of the bed, our lips never parting, and he laid me down and told me he loved me. 


So they're going to get back together. Do you  think they will actually get back together in the show, now that April is actually coming back? Jesse posted a story on instagram with a picture of them saying # Japrilthesequel on it so hopefully. Anyway please vote and comment xxx

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