And I would have stayed up, with you all night

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a/n: so i changed the second part of the last chapter cuz i didn't like it anymore so i would highly recommend reading the last bit again before reading this one xx

*A few days later. At the hospital, Jackson and April are working again.*

Aprils POV

I'm expecting Stephanie to come waltzing through the hospital doors any minute now. It's been a few days since I replied to that email and I've been to scared to check if she replied. What do I say to Jackson if Stephanie mentions the email? I mean, I did sign my name at the end of the email, surely she won't mention it to him and only me...

Jacksons POV

April has been on edge the past few days. I'm not sure if it's being back at work, or not being around Harriet, or the fact that her husband is dying... I just hope it's not my fault. She's just been very sensitive the past few days, almost as if she's anxious about something. I've tried to ask her what's wrong but she keeps saying she's fine. Typical women, they always say they're fine when they're not. I wish she would just tell me what's wrong so I can help her, I hope she knows she can trust me. I had my interns round this morning with Dr Gilbert so I'm not sure what patients I have today, I just know room numbers. I decide to check in on one of Dr Gilberts appointments just to see how he's going. I knock, open the door and suddenly believe I'm hallucinating. 

''Stephanie?!'' I blurt out, forgetting to even acknowledge Dr Gilbert. My ex who I left at April's wedding, is sitting in a room in Grey Sloan! I hardly even recognised her with the mask on, COVID-19 rules. 

''Hi Jackson...'' She went silent looking down at the floor unable to keep eye contact with me.

''What are you doing here?'' I asked with a surprised tone. 

''Check-up on my scars, I wanted Sloan but he's on paternity leave right?''

''Ohhh yeah, he and Lexie had a baby.'' 

''Good for them.'' She smiled innocently.

''Can I help you Dr Avery?'' Stefan asked quietly as he stood up out of the chair.

''Uhhh- no I'm just leaving.'' I said as I quickly turned around and shuffled out of the room. That was so awkward, I was not expecting that. I need to find April and tell her what's going on. 


''April you will never believe who I just saw!'' I said as we stepped outside of the hospital for some air. 

''Who?'' She asked still looking anxious. Maybe it is me that's making her anxious, what's up with her?

''Stephanie Edwards! You know, the one I ditched at your wedding...'' I said feeling slightly bad for her. I broke up with her in the worst way possible, I ran out of the chapel with another girl. It doesn't get much worse than that. 


''Yep! Can you believe that?''

''No way. Why is she here anyway?'' 

''She's got an appointment with Gilbert for her scars or something, but I'm not sure why she's here at this hospital, she could have gone to literally any other one.''

''Maybe she wanted Sloan or something.'' April said.

''For a check-up, that seems a little extra.''

''I guess, well at least she didn't book it with you!'' April sounded slightly jealous! I actually find it slightly funny that she's jealous over the girl that I left for her. Ironic isn't it. 

''Yeah that would have been weird. But we are grown adults so I could have handled it fine.''

''True.'' She's saved by the sound of her pager. ''I gotta go, see you later.'' And she put her mask back on and scurried back inside.


''Hey, Derek.'' I say indicating for Derek to wait for me to catch up to him.

''Jackson. What's up?''

''You know Stephanie Edwards is here right? You didn't offer her a job did you?''

''Edwards? No I didn't.'' Derek replied and I sighed heavily out of relief,

''Oh thank god.''

''Why, maybe you could re-kindle your relationship..' Derek suggested trying to play matchmaker.

''No, No!'' I said slightly offended. ''I'm seeing someone anyway.''

''Ohh, wow none of us are single now! Who's the lucky girl?''

''Derek you can't tell anyone this, not even Meredith.'' I know that Derek is still going to tell Meredith. They're like best friends, they tell each other everything even when told not to. And then Meredith will probably tell Cristina because they're each others person but Cristina's mouth is small so hopefully she won't say anything.

''Okay, I won't. Who is it.'' Liar, I already know he's going to tell her.

''Sooo... April and I have sorta-'' I was cut off.

''April!'' Derek said a bit louder than intended, many people looked our way confused.

''We are sorta back together.'' I whispered trying to tell him to quiet down.

''What do you mean sorta?''

''I mean we are back together but we haven't told anyone yet. Like no one!''

''Okay I will make sure to tell Mer not to say any- I mean I won't tell Meredith.'' He slipped up.

I rolled my eyes sarcastically ''It's okay, you can tell her. And I know she's gonna tell Cristina. As long as Mer and Cristina don't say anything until I speak to April it's fine, but if it gets around I'm blaming you.'' I said with a small laugh. 

''Haha okay deal.''

''Okay, I gotta go I've got surgery.''

''Alright bye.''

A/n: Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages, I feel so bad! I've been on holidays the past 2 weeks but I've been at the beach everyday without my laptop (it is still warm here in australia). So Stephanie is back... where do you want me to take this story line? Anyway, sorry this is sorta short, I will write another update soon. Thanks for 500 reads xx it means so much! I'd love to get to 1k so if you could please vote and comment I would appreciate it so much xx Anyway enjoy the update xx 

ps. I didn't proof read so it there is weird spelling or grammar im sorry lol

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