He walks, you say sit down, it's just a talk

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Aprils POV

''Matthew... Matthew! Wake up!'' Matthew slowly opened his eyes and some sounds that did not resemble english came out of his dry lips. Matthew sat up almost immediately, and started looking around the room, as if he didn't know where he was. He must have realised he was in the living room because he layed back down so the back of his head hit the pillow, and his eyes stared at the ceiling. 

''Are you feeling ok? You don't look well. We should probably get you tested because...'' But i was cut off by Matthew

''I'm fine, I dont need to get tested. It's probably just a cold.''

''Im a doctor, you're a EMT. We both know that this is not a cold. We're all going to get tested so get your ass off the couch, get your damn mask and get in the car, we're leaving.''

''I told you, I'm fine!''

''No you're not! Get in the car!''

''I don't need to get tested, I'll just stay at home!''

''This is not about you. I couldn't give a damn if you have COVID or not. This is about my daughter, her father, and me. If you have COVID, then I'm infected too, which means Harriet is carrying it too and has probably passed it on to Jackson by now. And if Jackson is infected, so is the majority of Grey Sloan. This is not just about you.''

''Wow, you somehow make everything about Jackson.''

''Jackson just happens to be a person I've seen recently because we have a daughter together. If Harriet has it, then she definitely would have passed it onto him by how. And he works at a hospital, just like me. I know exactly what it's like, seeing those sick COVID patients everyday. It's depressing. And the last thing I need is a person that I love joining those sick people.''

''Wait, so you admit you love him?''

''Of course I love him. I always have and I always will. He was my first love, and he's the father of my beautiful child.''

''Yeah, you may have a child together but that does not mean you need to love him!''

''Do you still love Karen? Your wife that died? The one that left you? Because if so, you have no right to judge me!''

''Yes of course I love her, but she did not choose to leave me like Jackson did to you. He divorced you, yet you're still in love with him.''

''The divorce was my fault. Firstly, I went away when times got really tough. When he needed me the most, I left him. I was selfish. That pushed us so far apart. And when I didn't tell him I was pregnant? That was the breaking point for him. It was not his fault, it was mine.''

''Well you know what, you're doing it again. You're leaving when things get tough. You're being selfish!''

''How am I being selfish! How am I leaving? I'm here, aren't I? That's what I thought!''

*Silence came over them*

''Now I'm going to get tested since you're too proud to. So don't leave the house until I get my results. Bye''

 *April is in the car driving to a testing centre* 

*She is speaking on the phone to someone over bluetooth*

A: ''Hi can I please speak to Harvey Specter?''

Secretary: ''I'll ring him, what's your name?''

A: ''April Kepner, tell him it's urgent.''

S: ''Okay, please hold.''

*several minutes later*

H: ''Hi this is Harvey Specter.''

A: "Hi this is April Kepner.''

H: ''Oh, hey April, how you doin?''

A: ''Honestly Harvey, not so good. My marriage is a failure and I might have COVID.''

H: ''Oh no! When do you get you're test results back?''

A: ''I'm driving to get tested now actually.''

H: ''Oh, that's great. But you said something about your marriage? What's going on?''

A: ''It's a long story. Matthew feels like he can't trust me, even though I've done nothing wrong. And he also thinks I'm having an affair with my ex-husband Jackson.''

H: ''Woahhh, so what can I do to help?''

A: ''I think I wanna file for divorce...''

A/N: Hey guys pls comment and vote so I continue updating. IK IK i take forever to update! sorry i've been so busy. 

Greys Anatomy - What About Us - JaprilDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora