Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend

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Aprils POV

As my eyes flutter open, I realise that this is not my room. I am not in my room, I'm in Jacksons! I realise that I'm laying on him in one of his shirts, I look up and notice his beautiful face peacefully sleeping. God I haven't not slept like that in years. I haven't had sex that good since I married Matthew. As I lay there on his chest listening to the sound of his heart beating and his lungs inflating with every breath, I start wondering what our life could have been like. 

Would we have worked through our religion and faith issues?

Would we have had more kids?

Would we have lived happily ever after?

And then the alarm went off, Jackson's eyes shot open and my day dreaming was discontinued. He reached his arm over to the alarm and turned it off and then placed that hand on my cheek and kissed me. He kissed me like we were newlyweds on our honeymoon, even though we obviously weren't. 

''G'morning.'' He said with a smile as he dazed into my eyes dreamily. 

''Morning.'' I said as I returned a smile and gave him another kiss. 

''Last night was-'' He started with a smile from ear to ear.

''Amazing.'' I interrupted.

''It was wasn't it.'' He said as he run his fingers through my bright red hair. 

''Mhmm.'' I mumbled in agreement.

''You are so beautiful, I love you.'' He said sweetly, almost in awe.

''I love you too.'' I gave him another kiss which got a little more heated than I had hoped considering I actually wanted to talk to him about us. So I pulled away and he kissed me on the forehead.

''So just like that, we're back together?'' I asked innocently. 

''Yeah, just like that.''

''So... are we telling people or keeping it quiet or-?''

''Uhh maybe we should keep it quiet, don't you think?''

''Yeah. It'll give us time to really be present and not focus on what other people think.''

''Exactly. But the real question is, do we tell Harriet or do we continue to act as friends around her?'' He asked while playing with my hair. 

''I think we should tell her, don't you? It can't hurt can it?''

''Yeah I think we should tell her too. When though?''

''This week? Is that alright?''

''Yeah, I think so.'' 

''Anyway, I'm gonna go have a shower.'' I said while pulling back the blankets.

''Really? I was just about to as well!''

''What a coincidence!'' We both got out of bed and headed to the bathroom as Harriet was still sleeping. I could feel his eyes watching me as I walked into the bathroom, I missed it.  

''I just wanna say that we wasted so much time because of me. I know that we've both made great memories with other people during our time apart, but I can't help but wonder about the memories we could have made together, you know?'' I said while getting into the shower.

''April, you gotta stop blaming yourself. It takes two people to get a divorce.''

''I know, but you never would have even thought about it if I didn't go to Jordan or if I actually told you I was pregnant. It is my fault.''

''It is not your fault. Please stop blaming yourself.''

''And then there was also the 'God' issue. I believe, you don't-''

''Didn't, I do now.'' He corrected me. 

''Really? You do? What made you believe?''

''Umm when you almost died, everyone prayed for you and I said 'hey it can't hurt to try' so I did and you woke up, and I truly thought that God may have been behind it.''

''When you told me you prayed for me, I was so happy and grateful.''

''And then, one day I was crossing the road with Maggie and Andrew and a cyclist pulled up next to us. Me, Maggie and the cyclist all started crossing the road because the light was green, but Andrew didn't, he stayed behind. And when he noticed a car ran a red light, he pulled us back and the cyclist got hit. I felt so guilty that I didn't pull that lady out of the way, I let her get it. That is until she came to Grey Sloan and I got to fix her. It was then that I believed God had something to do with it, that it was fate. And then she died, and that 'deeper meaning' inside me died with her, so I decided to take some time off and take a little 'spiritual quest'. I came back with more questions then answered, but I knew that I believed. And just as the one thing we never saw eye to eye on was solved, you had moved on with Matthew.'' 

''I remember you mentioning something about a spiritual quest when you dropped Harriet off one time, I never thought you were really serious.''

''Well I was and now faith is not a topic we will be arguing about anymore, ever.''

''Good, I hate arguing. I did so much of it with Matthew, it's exhausting.''

''I know, I argued a lot with Maggie as well. She was always 5 steps ahead of everyone which meant she never communicated with me about anything.''

''Matthew never communicated either, look another thing we have in common... ex-partners that can't communicate!'' I said with a giggle. 

Jackson laughed. ''Speaking of Matthew, how is he doing?''

''Not good, he's actually worse.''

''Oh no, that's not good.''

''I know, I may not want to be with him but that doesn't mean he needs to die.''

''Exactly, God is unfair sometimes, but everything happens for a reason. See, we got Covid and we got back together. Without it we would have probably never re-united.''

''There is good in everything.'' He nodded and kissed me while massaging shampoo into my hair. And then we heard Harriet walk into our bedroom while we were still in the shower.

''Quick, get out Jackson! Hurry!'' I whispered while pushing him out of the shower. 

''Okay, okay I'm hurrying!'' He whispered back. Although we were whispering it felt as if we were speaking loudly, almost yelling, but not angrily, playfully. 

Harriet then pushed the bathroom door open to see Jackson with a towel around his waist and me still in the shower. Luckily, the glass was all fogged up so she couldn't see in. Phew. 

''Hi daddy, where's mommy?''

''She's in the shower sweetie. She'll be out in a second.''

''Okay! I'm hungry, I want breakfast.''

''Okay, what do you want?''


''Okay, but don't forget we have to get tested to see if we're still sick later today...''

''I know, but I don't like it, it hurts.''

''I know sweetheart but we have to do it!''

''Okay fine!'' Harriet said with a sulk as she walked into the kitchen, Jackson following slightly behind her. 


CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT HOW MARK AND LEXIE WERE ON THE BEACH HOLY SHIT I CRIED MY EYES OUT! They're literally one of my favourite ships, coming second to merder ofc and I was so happy! So excited for Aprils episode next week! Anyway, please vote and comment xoxoxo 

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