Chapter 48 - As Days Go By

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You're lying. I wouldn't have such power.

I have no desire to deceive you. I only wish to show you the truth of your destiny before you alter it for the worst. You have a chance to evolve us all. You have a chance to be on top where you rightfully belong. Where everyone else has made you a fool and has blinded you of your potential. You are used... Just as I have been. You're merely a pawn they toy with just for them to throw away later.

"You see, that's where you are wrong. I am not like you. None of these things even have a consciousness of who they once were. You possess the power to control Corruption. You have become one with it and you chose to be weak... You chose to go against your true own kind. Everyone who has been Corrupted and learned they can control it... they have all had a choice. At that point, you chose to stop fighting. You let it take your mind... Everyone else was strong and fought till they were in control but you... No, you chose to be weak and let yourself become Corrupted."

You fool. I am one with you. No matter how hard you try, your body is ours... The inevitable is to come. Time will no longer be an asset you may use. Soon, you will understand. I am giving you the option to accept fate and become stronger and alive... If you refuse... then you simply die and become one with true life at its most authentic prime.


You wish to find an escape. You avoid thinking because you understand that I hear your thoughts... What you fail to realize is that I am one with you. I know exactly what you want and exactly how you feel. Those people there won't help you. Your friends will all die... Lizzie will die. How do you think people will act once they find out your true nature and see you harm one of their own? They keep you alive because they have not a valid enough reason against your friends. When they die, you die. When you lose control, you die. When General is gone... When those who are more realistic and in power arise... You, Nathaniel... You die.

"Grrr! Ack-argh!"

I finally revert the left half of my body. The voices in spin in my head through a confusing headache. My heart is racing and I feel my scar on my back grow over my shoulders and down my backside. It burns like hell but I don't care... I will fight it!

"Return. I let you... Live... You will... come around."

You and I are not so different. When you see what I've seen and you see the true evil in humanity... You will know the right fight is with us. When the time comes and you choose to keep a blind eye... I will kill you. One way or another.

He spawns in the sword! He seems to tear a rift-a portal back to the army! He... How can he do that?

I waste no time running through the portal...

It isn't time to be at the base... I need to report back to the General.

"Call General."


"That's crazy, bro."

"Yeah... That's not even the worst part, Zander. He controls the sword like it was a signature melee. He made a portal right by the base using that sword. If he can do that... They are smarter than we've given them credit for."

"Honey, you told General everything right? Only the General?"

"Yeah. It's terrifying. Everything he said... It seems to speak as Riveck does. As though they can see the future, y'know?"

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