Chapter 41 - Atone

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Man... That had to be some of the best sleep I've gotten in a while. Ever since she entered my life I've been getting better sleep. Mostly because of the fact that I get less sleep than I used to so I appreciate all the sleep I can get. But, also because she really comforts me when we sleep together.

It's morning and she's still sound asleep in my bed. I decided to cook up some breakfast before school for us today. I don't have much left in the fridge... I'll need to go shopping for groceries soon.

Bacon and eggs will do... Ooh, and some delicious toast! Some seasoning and now we're ready to start.

Crack the eggs into the pan... Put four strips of bacon in another... Okay. We will wait to do the toast once the food is almost ready so everything is hot and delicious.


"Ugh... Nathaniel? What time is it?"

"Time for breakfast!"

"Wait, we need to go to school today!"

"Yeah. Don't worry, we have plenty of time. School doesn't start for two and a half more hours."

"When did you wake up?"

"Not too long ago. I normally wake up pretty early. Do you like bacon and eggs? It's all I got until I get some groceries."

"Y-Yeah, I guess... Ugh, Nathaniel! I need my clothes and make-up and I just... I need a lot of things, Nathaniel."

"Here. Sit down and eat then we'll figure it out, okay?"

She sighs and rolls her eyes. She sits at the table and I sit just across her.

"So, what's stopping you from just walking home and getting these things?"

"My old man. He's a sick piece of work. He grounded me and put me on lockdown meaning I have nothing but the essentials and I'm not allowed to do anything but school work. Damn!"


"There's going to be search parties out for me. My old man has probably already contacted the school to look for me... I can't deal with this."

"So... Mmm... You're telling me your dad grounded you. Aren't you an adult now? Plus you got like businesses n'shit. Why does he care?"
I say while chewing my excellently cooked bacon.

"I still live in his house. Plus he still sees me as just a kid... Nathaniel?"

"Yeah, wassup?"

"Can we skip school today? You said you need groceries. We could go out today and have fun."

"Woah, Lizzie, we can't just skip school. That's illegal and that'd really screw up your grades and perfect record."

"I'll be fine. It'll be like a sick day."


"You do realize you'll have to go face your father eventually, right?"

"Ugh. You're such a downer. Let's go have a little excitement."

"Don't we always? I only have one bike so we'd have to walk. Unless you have a driver's license, then we could drive my car."

"You have a car?!"

Before I could really say anything, she's taken off to the garage. I follow after and she's stood in front of it with awe.

"This... This is amazing! We have our own car all to ourselves. One that we could actually drive rather than having to pay someone to do it. What's even better is it's not even that bad of a car!"

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