Chapter 3 - Happy Eighteenth

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"You're dead, Nathaniel."

I keep hearing that repeat in my head like a broken record. Going through that act made me forget just exactly who my partner was.

An act. Of course! That's all it was... An act.

I don't even know why I thought she was starting to warm up to me for a change. What the hell is her agenda with me? It was only because she wanted the grade, right? Dammit. I feel so many emotions right now.

I was happy... I was actually happy for once.

I felt all my problems go away and it was... amazing. Just like the kiss. Now, I just feel worse than before. Why am I feeling so crushed? I don't understand what's wrong with me.

Ugh! Now I have to worry about Zander! He's gonna murder me. Knowing him, he'd lose control beating me to a pulp and accidentally kill me. I can't avoid him forever because we have gym class together for fifth period.

Maybe I should just leave; run away from all of this.

Ugh! I can't do that. I need to face him. I can't let him just-*beeeboooooooop*

Well fuck. I hope he isn't waiting outside again.

I get up and walk toward the door and try to take a right turn.


"Nathaniel, Haha! You enjoy it while it lasted, huh?"

Zander grabs my shoulders, staring deep into my soul with a fierce look and a fire in his eyes. My vision starts getting really blurry. I'm losing the feeling in my body, like my body freezing and going numb.

"Uh... I didn't-It was... She wanted-"
Lizzie walks next to us, in front of the door and gives Zander a serious look.


He tightened his grip on my shoulders! He looks furious while forcing a smile.

"See You later, Nathaniel."
He says grinding his teeth and-

He slams me into the wall and walks off, Lizzie wrapped in his arms as she looks back at me.



I'm coughing blood now.

I hope he didn't fuck up my ribcage. Lizzie kept her word, I think. He didn't do anything that he'd normally do. Damn, she confuses me so much.

I need to stop thinking so much about her. I hate her and she hates me. This is just a deal we had, end of story... Hopefully not. Ugh!

I go to the restroom and people are looking at me, but it's different than normal. Some seem impressed others are giving a weird smile. I don't know what they could be thinking or talking about, but, it's bothering me now.

I splash water on my face and take a good moment to catch my breath. Well, I'm not sure how this will affect everything now, but, I have to admit it's not such a bad day compared to normal.


The day goes mostly smoothly. Now, it's fifth period. Physical education. I walk into the locker room and go to the back. Damn, I'm late. Everyone is showering already.

I don't know why I'm so late for this class. I went to the nurse to make sure I didn't have any damage to my ribs or lung but it didn't feel like it took that long. I guess I could just skip behind the shower room and try to avoid being anywhere near Zander.

Speak of the devil he's in the showers laughing his ass off.

"When you banging Lizzie, bro?"


I can't understand much he says, but I do hear Lizzie's name. I set up a trash can to stand on and peek in through a gap close to the ceiling.

"I'm close. She's so stubborn, but I'm getting there, bro."

"Who knows. Sounds to me like Nathaniel's making moves more than-"
Johnny is interrupted by Ryker.

"Yeah! Mothafucka gonna get in her virgin pussy faster than yo ass! Hahaha!"

Ryker and Johnny start laughing uncontrollably.

Johnny is uppercutted by Zander. Johnny goes up at least two and a half feet before landing on his ass. Ryker immediately shuts up.

"She already told me she had no choice. I know how her dad is. She did what she had to do for her perfect grade. On top of that, she ain't fallen for no loser like him either. She hates him just as much as I do, you fucktards. She wouldn't ruin her reputation for that. Plus, I'm so close to getting her to fulfill anything I want at this point. She fucking loves me and I can't wait to tear her ass up!"

"Where is Nathaniel anyway?"
Ryker asks.

Johnny, getting up, rubs his head.

"Yeah, we need to make sure he knows his place in this before he gets any ideas."

Fucking assholes! How can they talk about a girl like that... Grr! I'm so angry! Even though I hate her. But that?! That's just wrong.


I get down and start walking to the doors of the shower room.


I look straight at Zander after busting through the doors.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! What am I doing?!

I run to him and give him my strongest damned right hook!



He just looks at me like I'm an idiot.

I, in an instant, get choke-slammed right onto the tile floor, cracking four or five tiles. Zander, who's on top of me, is punching my skull in while Ryker and Johnny kick at my ribs.


That taste... Blood.

Ugh-fuck! It hurts so much!

I can't stop these tears...

Rolling down my face.

My vision...

What's happening-


Black... and white-

I close my eyes and wake up to another punch. I close my eyes and open to another punch. Over and over again, punch after punch.

Slowly... I'm just... losing my... senses.


"I don't want to die."

I open my eyes and I'm being carried...

I open my eyes and I'm laying on the dirt...

I open my eyes...


"Johnny? Ryker?"

What are they...

"Why... are... you."

"Bro, just shut up alright!"

"Yeah man, listen to Ryker. Don't make this harder for us."

"Digging... a hole?"

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