Chapter 9 - Nathaniel

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Ugh, why am I freezing up? I don't know what to do... I think I just need to go with H0117... I mean I owe her and she's never treated me like crap so if anyone deserves it, it's her.

"Hey... I'm really sorry for being late and... that whole scene."

"Nathaniel, don't worry. To be fair, we didn't really make an official time to meet up and I was actually late myself getting ready. Also, with what happened, it's not your fault. Z719 and I have a bad history together so that's probably why she acted that way. I mean, I was really holding back myself, to be honest."


"Oh! Uhm, Lizzie! I believe that's what you call her."

"Wait, what's with all these code names?"

"Everyone has a code name with a letter and three to twelve numbers. Anyway, what were you two doing together?"

I'm freezing up again... Shit! What do I tell her?! I can't tell her I just accidentally went on a date with Lizzie and now I'm back to date her. That's horrible... Fuck... She looks like she's getting impatient... Uhm...

"We were just, uh... err."

"You're well dressed, you're late, and you were with Z719. I know you can't have units yet and I don't know how she does but, it's obvious you two were out."

She pauses and it's just so obvious at this point, she knows...

"You two went on a date huh?"

"I... I-"

"I won't lie to you, we did... But it wasn't on purpose! I just asked her if I could get some fresh clothes or something and she didn't know about us yet. She just kinda made it into a date... And we hate each other so like, I don't know what she's up to or if there's something, I really don't know I... I'm sorry."

She's just glaring at me, not seemingly pissed off, but with a pause...

"Nathaniel, don't worry about it okay? I can probably still show you things and we can still talk and have a good night."

"Yeah, I just feel horrible about doing this to you."

"Let's just go on our date, okay?"

I feel horrible. I really screwed tonight up and not only for H0117 but also for Lizzie. My stomach hurts and I feel like hurling.


"Uh, yes?"

"You don't look comfortable."

"I just, I feel bad about this whole situation."

"Don't! You didn't mean for any of that to happen. I'm not gonna make you feel like shit for that."

We pause as I giggle a bit and throw a smirk. She's really understanding and she doesn't seem bothered by my mistake.

"Oh! Nathaniel, maybe you could start getting comfortable with guns and practice your aim before tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow? What's happening tomorrow?"

"All new recruits get a day where they are tested and, based on how they perform, they get put into certain groups depending on how good they are. You'll train with this group and at the end of the month you and your partner will be put against other partners from other groups, all according to skill level and what your captains think you should be put up against, to battle to the death!"

She has this fire in her eyes with excitement, like she's ready to watch this bloodbath!

"Battle to the death?!"

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