Chapter 35 - Insight

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"Come on! Is that all you've got!?"

*Thump! Crack! Break!*

"Argh! Come on, what is this weak shit you're throwing at me!"



"Ugh... You're... Argh!"


"Ugh... You're getting good at this, Zsen."

"I think I'm the one holding back now."

"Unless you're just getting weak and saying that as an excuse."

"Hmph! Yeah right. You're the one on the ground right now."

I put my arm out for Quade to pull him up.

"Alright, well we gotta get going again."

"Erm... Well."

"Yeah? What's up, Zsen?"

"I uh... I have been thinking it's about time to start moving on to the next step."

"Oh... I... Look, I don't think you're ready to-"
"Ready for what, Quade? What is there left to teach? We've only been practicing the same things now."


He sighs and looks at me.

"Fine... You're right. You are ready. Just... Just let me just teach you one last thing."

"Okay... What is it?"

"Listen... Through all of the pain, headache, stress, and depression Corruption gives you... never let it push you into being weak and hurting yourself or your loved ones. It's the last thing I need you to learn. However, I possess no way of teaching this. So when you get back, you teach yourself and train yourself. Now, more than ever, you're capable of doing it. It's all mental health and you know how to handle it."

"Yeah. I've got it."

"And, uhm, if I may have one last request."

"Okay, go on."

"Say hi to everyone for me. I miss them."

"Why don't you just tell them?"

"I... I can't go back, Zsen."

"What, why?!"

"It's too late for me. My days are to be spent here. I have nothing left back home."

"I erm."

I don't exactly know what to say. I feel like he should go, but who am I to tell him what his choice should be?

"I understand, Quade."

"Thank you. Now, let's get going."


We left a while ago and have finally made it to this strange area.

It's very similar to the crater that got me here, but this one has a ton of rock formations and an enormous pit in the middle. The pit seems very deep and has a bright purple glow to it.

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