Chapter 42 - Nieghborly

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"So, you really think you're ready to face your dad?"

"Yeah. I need to tell him that he can't take the people I care about away from me. Actually, I need to set quite a few things straight with him."

"Oh. Should I be with you while you talk to him?"

"Of course, dumbass."

"Wow! It's been a long time since you called me that."

She starts to smile.

"Nathaniel... I'm glad everything happened. You've given me a lot of strength and clarity."

She put her arm over the passenger seat to hold my hand.

"I don't care what anybody thinks of us there. If it's the last neighborhood meeting we go to, then who gives a fuck."

"Wait. Lizzie, these people could spread a bad name for you."

The ride remains silent the rest of the way.


We've finally made it. Twenty minutes late...

The meeting is held in the main lobby room of her house. Everyone here is wearing wealthy jewelry accompanied by their flaring dress or dashing suits. Some hold wine glasses and some hold business cards of some sort.

Everyone gives us an alarmed or disturbed look. I honestly thought this would be pretty casual but, as I look around, it's pretty cliche to an expensive prim and proper gathering. We make way toward the front where Lizzie's father is stood. People move away to make a path as they look to Lizzie in shock.

With what Lizzie's wearing and her natural teal colored hair... It shouldn't surprise me as much as it is that people are really freaking out about her new look.

All we hear are whispers and murmurs.

"Oh my!"

"What's wrong with her hair?"

"Why does she look like such a slob?"

"This is so immature!"

These people... they have no idea how much she's dealing with. She's still young for fuck's sake! She's not a different person.

"Lizzie?! Is that you?"

"Yeah. We need to talk."

"Why is he here?"

"Nathaniel's here because he lives in our neighborhood. Will he be a problem or are you going to discriminate and exclude him for trying to adjust to a very new lifestyle? Or you gonna help him?"

"What? W-Why are you speaking to me in that tone? Lizzie, may we move this little chat of ours to the dining room. I do not seak to disturb our guest any longer."

Lizzie holds my arm as we follow him to the dining room. He looks at me confused but, proceeds to walk. I notice a few guards slowly make there way behind us.

"Lizzie, are we safe; do I need my guard up?"
I whisper...

"I'm honestly not too sure. Just let me do the talking and don't say a word. You'll know what to do if shit gets real."


"Why did you bring him in here? This is a chat between just you and me, am I mistaken?"

"Yeah, you are. We need to talk about what's going to happen from here on out."

He laughs obnoxiously...

"Lizzie, sweetheart, you are out of place here. You've crossed the line and I have no doubt it is all due to you're new little friend here. This rebellious attitude has got to change."

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