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When I wake up, I'm alone in my room. Realizing this I jump up and out of bed. I never sleep in my room, there's no need to. I try to remember what happened last night that'd cause me to choose to sleep in my own room. Then it hits me. I remember fighting last night, with Aaron. I can't remember exactly what the fight was about, proving it was probably something stupid. I throw on some jeans, a shirt, and some shoes before I run out to find Aaron. I tentatively knock on the door, but when no one answers I walk in.


No answer. I walk over to his office and knock on the door, nothing. I walk out and head to the dining room to see if he's there. I run into Delalieu on the way there, with a strange look on his face I've never seen before.

        "Hello, Delalieu, have you seen Warner?"

The old man cringes slightly, staring sadly into my eyes.

        "Actually, Ms. Ferrars that's what I was coming to talk to you about.."

I'm very confused. I don't understand why Aaron would need Delalieu to deliver a message to me. Unless Aaron was still upset about last night.

        "What is it Delalieu?"

Delalieu shakes a little bit before he steels himself to look at me. His eyes are a bit red-rimmed.

        "There's been an accident..."

My heart drops to my stomach, knowing Delalieu couldn't be talking about anyone but Aaron.


        "Last night he went out and took one of the tanks out for a drive, and he managed to lose control, and the tank flipped."

I can't feel anything but the stabbing pain in my pain. I don't breathe I don't do anything. I'm dying my heart has been ripped out of my chest and trampled on by thousands of soldiers, but on the outside I'm quiet. My mind doesn't think, my eyes don't see, my ears don't hear. I'm a husk of something that is nothing without Aaron. At the thought of his name, I'm overwhelmed with images of him; smiling, laughing, rolling his eyes, sleeping beside me. Everything and anything that has ever been doesn't matter if Aaron Warner isn't here to share the existence. Somehow I manage to work my mouth to  form a question.

        "Where is he?"

        "He's in the infirmary."

My head snaps up momentarily relieved. If he's in the infirmary that means he's not...gone. Right?

        "Can I see him? Delalieu take me to him."

        "I'm not sure he'd like for you to see him in the state he's in."

        "He's conscious?"

        "Er, no, but I'm sure he wouldn't want to be seen the way he is."

My patience with this old goat is seriously thin. I need to see Warner in whatever condition he's in.

        "That was not a request, Delalieu. It was an order."

He opens his mouth then closes it after I shoot him a look I've seen Warner give to his soldiers when they're out of hand. He let's out an exasperated breath, and walks me towards the elevator. We stand in uncomfortable silence until the doors open to the infirmary. Once the doors finally I run to the only bed with a body on it. I stop dead in my tracks. My beautiful white bird with a crown of gold atop his head. I sit on the chair beside the bed as I hear Delalieu whisper his goodbye. 


His name comes out as a choked up sob. His face is paler than normal, dried blood trailing from his temple. His condition wasn't as bad as Delalieu led on. I lean over and take his hand in both of mine. 

        "Aaron, please be okay. I'm sorry for fighting with you. I don't even remember what the fight was about. I love you, please be okay."

He doesn't respond, and the only thing letting me know he's alive is the heart rate monitor on the other side of the bed.

After three days, his brain activity stopped. Just the beep beep beep or the heart rate told us he was still here. Until that stopped too.

AN: So this was the original ending I wanted, but I figured spare you the feels. AutumnRoseAl-Summers wanted a different ending, so here you go.

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