Starlit Everythings

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AN: Three months. I hate myself. If this is crap, I'm sorry but hormones and Sam Smith equals feels left, right, up, down and I'm literally crying because feels. If that makes any sense.

"Love, wake up."

Aaron's voice slowly coaxed me out of my slumber. I rubbed my eyes before being confronted with his startling green ones. They looked alert and focused as always. It can't be any later than one o'clock in the morning. My slight irritation is wiped away when I see the strange joy in his eyes. I cock an eyebrow in confusion and a smile grows on his face. I reach up and outline one of his dimples. I put a hand over his eyes and pushed him back onto the bed.

"Go back to bed," I turn over an pull the blanket up to my to my chin. I feel him tug on the piece of sheet by my feet and hold on tighter. "No, let me sleep."

With a swift pull he rips the sheet from the bed and the sleep from my eyes. I groan and throw a pillow in the direction I assume he's in. I mumble my disapproval at his wake up and begin cuddling his pillow. Until he takes that away too.

"Get up, we're going to the roof. Or do I have to carry you out there?" I turn to see the wolfish grin his threat caused.

"You wouldn't," I said this knowing full well he wasn't capable of giving out empty threats. His grin widened and within a few seconds he had me in his arms and out the room. A wave of regret washes over me; I should have gone willingly because now i'll be on the roof in nothing but a thin t-shirt and shorts. "No, I was kidding! Take me back to change at least!"

"Too late for that, I'm afraid." he smiled down at me just before reaching the stairs. He took two steps at a time seemingly unfazed by my weight. I noticed the temperature drop as we neared the roof, and I cuddled closer to Aaron. "We're almost there."

"It literally would have taken me less than two minutes to change. I'm freezing!" 

"Well if you would have gotten up when I told you to, you could have. Now stop being a baby, we're already here." his mock condescending tone vanishes as his and touches the door to the roof. A smile breaks the thin line his lips had become. "Close your eyes."

I did, and he continued walking out on to the roof. I felt a cold wind blow my hair into my face, and Aaron dip lowering me onto the ground. I automatically attempted to put a stop to this motion knowing the concrete roof would be freezing.

"Calm down, or I'll drop you." I resisted very little after he said this. He squeezed me tighter the rest of the way down and to my surprise the ground was warm. I reached out with my arm and felt something soft and warm.

"Why is the ground so warm?" I felt around and noticed a softness under my fingertips, it felt like that of a baby blanket. I wasn't until this moment I had had my eyes closed.

"Blankets; you may not think so but I know you better than myself most of the time, I knew you'd be freezing." his look makes me fall in love for millionth time. It's a simple look composed of care and unrestrained love. My mind, stupid with love doesn't know how to respond so my lips form a smile. He returns with a dimpled grin, and climbs onto the blanket. "Also, we're not just out here to lay down. In a couple minutes something worthwhile is going to happen, trust me."

"Anytime with you is worthwhile." immediately and against my will some very dirty, very worthwhile times popped into my head. I blushed at my wayward thoughts, looked away from the two emerald stars looking at me, and up towards the ones that stand the test of time. "What's going to happen?"

He smiles and says, "I remember watching you in that cell timid, quiet, patient. I see you know and wonder how someone so incredibly vibrant could have hidden in that shell of a human being." He closes his eyes for a moment shakes his head. "I'd like to take credit for this transformation, but I know better. Unfortunately, Kent was the one to light the fire that burns  so brightly in you."

"The fire's always been in me, he just blew on the embers. No one can take credit for my transformation. I could have stayed the scared submissive captive, but I chose to fight for my own future."

Aaron's eyes turn to mine and a low chuckle escapes his throat. "I know, love. Now, be quiet and look up."

I do as I'm told and see million streaks of lights marring the night sky. More and more break through the darkness in a thousand different directions. Aaron intertwines his fingers with mine and silently watches the night. There is such a strange sort of beauty coming from this. In reality all they are, are rocks making their way through the earth's atmosphere, but as I look at Aaron and the way the light in his eyes move every time a new meteor makes it's way across the sky I realize that I want nothing more than to live under these same stars, on this same roof, next to this same person forever.

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