Warner's Possesive

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AN: This is the longest I've ever written, I think.

Aaron and I are the plane to the capital to meet with the non-Reestablishment leaders. Aaron's reading me a book while I lean on his shoulder.

"We should got to sleep by the time we wake up we'll be there."

I nod because my mouth has dried up and my eyes refuse to stay open.

"Love, wake up, we're here."

I sit up and blink before I see Aaron beside me, remembering the first time I woke up beside him. I blush and smile.

"What?" he asks, head cocked to the side.

"I was just thinking about the first time I woke up beside you."

A sphinx like smile takes over his face as he remembers.

"Yes, but unfortunately last night wasn't nearly as amazing as the night before for that morning."

I hear Kenji gagging before I see him enter our suite in the back of the plane. He's wearing his special anti-PDA face on he reserves for me and Aaron. I stick my tongue out at him.

"You guys are disgusting. James is in the plane, people are in the plane have some consideration."

Aaron just rolls his eyes at Kenji.

"Consider yourself lucky Kenji, you didn't knock we could have been doing anything."

Kenji fakes a shudder and starts gagging again.

"Hurry up," he says still gagging, "I wanna get going, J. At least Warner has the decency to wake up early."

I get up and push him out of the room, so I can change. Before I do, I give Aaron a pointed look.

"What?" he says missing the obvious.

"I need to change."

he sits there clueless of what I mean. I look at him and at the door; the mischievous glint in his eyes lets me know he knows what he's doing. I roll my eyes at him.

"Get out," he pouts and I think I might expire.

He reluctantly walks out of the room, not without stealing a kiss.

After countless meetings, on how we will take down the last few countries still under reestablishment we all meet back at the hotel. Before we enter the plane, Aaron announces he has a surprise.

"So, the capitol decided to throw a party. We're all invited, so I wanted to know if you all would like to go."

"Oh yea! We're gonna go party."

James has a face splitting grin on his face. he looks up at Adam hopeful and Adam smiles back and nods. Castle tells us he'll turn in, that his old soul needs rest.

"Go get ready the party starts and seven thirty."

It's chaos inside the plane. Everyone is struggling to find clothes or jewelry. Aaron and I just head to our cabin in the back of the plane ,which of course, thanks to Aaron is pristine. After my shower, I change while Aaron takes his. I don an emerald green cocktail dress with strappy black sandals. I decide to leave my overlong hair down, knowing it won't do much else. Once Aaron gets out I smile and give him a twirl.

"What do you think?"

"You're not going to wear your suit?" He looks displeased.

"Obviously, not. It's a party."

"That dress is very short."

I roll my eyes at him. The dress is only a couple inches above my knee. A pang of disappointment shoots through me; I really thought he'd like the dress. He walks towards me and sweeps me up into his arms.

"You look too beautiful to share," he whispers as he nibbles on my ear. I guess he does like the dress.

When we get to the ballroom where the party is being held, James scurries off Kenji in tow towards the chocolate fountain. Adam and the others each go their separate ways. Aaron and I walked towards the leaders we had been in meetings with earlier today. After talking with them for awhile, I grew hunger and quite honestly bored. I hate to admit it but these people are dreadfully dull. I walk towards the chocolate fountain to find Kenji and James but someone grabs me from behind.

"Hey, what's up."

I turn around to find a young man no older than Aaron, with a mess of black hair and sea blue green eyes. He has an easy smile, and looks sun kissed.


"I'm Percy." he puts one hand for my to shake. I shake his hand and he smiles. "Want to dance?"

Before I have a chance to answer, we start swaying across the dance floor. He's sort of clumsy on his feet but it's amusing.

"So, you're one of the Omegas?"

Thank god a topic and talk about in my sleep.

"Yes, superior strength and the inability to be touched. Well, sometimes. Why?"

"I've got some abilities up my sleeve."

My eyes almost bugged out of my head. Another omega! Someone else who can aid the take down of the rest of the Reestablishment.

"What is it? Show me."

We walk towards the beverage table and he grabs a glass of water. He focuses on the glass of water and a little geyser shoots up from it. His eyes are shining like the ocean at noon. I'm so surprised and happy I throw my arms around him.

"Wow, does anyone else know?"

Before he can answer me, Aaron pushes him off me.

"Who are you?" his voice is cold. He's mad. I roll my eyes of course he is. Heaven forbid I make any physical contact with anyone of the opposite sex except him.

A blonde girl jogs towards us in a silver strapless cocktail dress.

"Percy, are you causing trouble?" she looks exasperated. "Again?"

"No, we were just talking and this guy comes out of nowhere being violent." he smiles at the girl then at me, "Juliette this is my girlfriend Annabeth. Annabeth, this is Juliette. She's got special abilities too."

The blonde girl shakes my hand and flashes a polite smile.

"Annabeth Chase. Sorry if Percy was causing problems."

"No, he wasn't. This is Warner, by the way. My boyfriend." I slightly nudge Aaron in the ribs.

"Hello, nice to meet you Miss Chase. Now if you'll excuse us."

I shoot them an apologetic smile before Aaron steers me away. I roll my eyes for what feels like the millionth time tonight. Aaron is ridiculously jealous of a guy who breathes to close to me.

"Aaron." I stop walking and he does too. He looks mad, but he's getting over it. I hold his face in my hands and he leans into the touch.

"You're mine."

"Yes, get it through your head already. I love you."

"I love you, more."

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