Dinner Time

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AN: Literally, right after I posted that author's note, my little sister came and was like I always imagine me and Niall (the blond Irish guy from 1D) sitting at home eating dinner. And, that my dear readers is how this story was conceived. 

I desperately tried to scoop the egg shells out of the bowl, that held several egg yolks and whites. There were lots of tiny pieces of eggshells. I thought back as to why I thought  it was a good idea to let the cooks have the night off and cook dinner on my own. I had thought a Spanish omelet would be pretty simple but I had forgotten the fact I had never cooked a day in my life. When I finally got every egg shell out, I went in search of some red bell peppers, cheese, and onions. 

"Juliette?" I heard Aaron's voice coming from the entrance of the kitchen. I quickly shut the refrigerator door, and dropped all my ingredients on the counter.

"Hey, yea I'm a little busy. Can we talk later?" I tried desperately to hide the kitchen from view, but with being my height and him being his, Aaron could probably easily see the mess I made in the kitchen. He has a very confused look of amusement on his face.

"Are you cooking?" he bites his lips to try and hide his smile, "Love, you have eggshell in your hair." 

Before I can say anything, his laughs rings out echoing in the large kitchen. I feel embarrassed at first but eventually I start laughing too. 

"Do you need some help love?" I look up after noticing the sincerity in his voice. He's looking at me with an expression mixing amusement and some other unnamed emotion. 

"Do you know how to make a Spanish omelet?" I ask, his look pinning me to the spot in the doorway. His hand reaches towards my crown and he pulls out what I suspect is an eggshell sliver.

"No, but it seems  you don't either, so I might as well make sure you're cooking the food instead of wearing it." he shoots me a sardonic smiles and slightly pushes me to the side to enter the kitchen. "What is it that you need to do?"

"I've already cracked four of the ten eggs I need, so if you'd finish the other six that would be great." Aaron just nods and stares at the egg bowl. "Do you think you can manage?"

He looks at me and rolls his eyes. "Yes, love, I'm perfectly capable of cracking a few eggs. What else do you need to do after the eggs are done?"

"Just chop and saute the bell peppers and onions. Then, put the hash on the stove and the vegetables over then egg then cheese." Aaron once again just stares at me as if I've just spoken an alien language.

Finally he shrugs and starts cracking eggs. I turn my attention to chopping my onions and red bell peppers. I find it's less difficult than I thought it would be. When I'm halfway done with my last bell pepper, I hear a rush of expletives come out from Aaron's mouth. I walk over to his counter and I see several chips of egg shells in the mix.

"Great, we'll have an extremely crunchy omelet." Aaron shoots me a dirty look when I say this, "Just spoon them out, it's really not that difficult."

He rolls his eyes and picks up another egg. I don't have the opportunity to tell him he should take the already present egg shells out of the bowl before he cracks and egg over my head.

"AARON!" There is yolks sliding down my face and the back of my neck. Aaron is doubled over laughing at me. I quickly crack an egg over his head and rub it into his hair. He immediately stops laughing. He very slowly raises his eyes to meet mine.

"You. Did. Not. Just. Do. That." With impossibly fast reflexes, Aaron grabs another two eggs and cracks them on my head. I retaliate by throwing an egg at his chest. "JULIETTE! THIS IS A WHITE SHIRT!"

Unable to keep my laughter under control I grab another egg and crack it near the base of his neck so it slides down his back. 

"So help me God, Juliette." he sounds mad but his eyes tell a completely different story. I playfully run to the other side of the kitchen and Aaron follows with two eggs in hand. He corners me and cracks both of them underneath my shirt. I squeal at the cold. I turn to my right and see a small bag of flour. I rip it open and toss a handful into Aaron's face. He blows a cloud of flour into my face and grabs the bag. I know I'm a little over my head so I run past him. With the counter the only thing between us Aaron saunters over flour in hand. I didn't think anyone could look so incredibly attractive covered in egg holding a bag of flour. 

"Truce?" I say knowing full well either he'll win or he'll win. He walks around the corner and I can't move. His look completely disarms me; it's love, amusement, and passion in one sexy look.

"Oh, love, I've already won." after saying this he, pours the remainder of flour on my head. After blowing some flour out of my face, I pout at Aaron.

"That wasn't fair," I say in my most childlike voice.

"Everything's fair in love and war, sweetheart." he leisurely puts his lips on mine. While he's preoccupied I gather some of the flour off the counter. When he pulls back, I dump what I've gathered on his head. "Really-"

I press my lips on his, shutting him up. I wrap my arms around his neck feeling the sticky residue of the egg.

"Oh my God, this is bullshit. PEOPLE COOK FOOD THAT PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO EAT IN HERE." Kenji's voice rings out through the kitchen. "Jesus, Princess you have Warner's and your room to be nasty in please leave the kitchen. I might never be able to eat the food that's cooked in here ever again." 

"Kishimoto, this is my kitchen," Aaron tells Kenji with a smug smile on his face, "Plus, if you were to know every place Juliette have been intimate you wouldn't be able to live here period."

Kenji starts making gagging sounds, and I blush fifty shades of red. However, what Aaron said isn't true. We've only ever been intimate within the confines of his room, and on one of our planes. And the hotel in the Capitol, but never around sector 45.

"Please, shut up, I'm leaving now. Please go be nasty in your own rooms." and with that Kenji leaves the kitchen. 

Aaron smirks down at me, he kisses behind my ear and whispers, "Love, put the food in the fridge. We need a bath and something a little more filling than an omelet."

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