Battlefield (Warner's POV)

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AN: See I told myself I'd update every week, but with graduation and finals my life is a mess. Summer is only 11 days away then I'll have nothing to do but read, write, and procrastinate. Enjoy xx

I saw Juliette across the field, bullets were racing past her head. I watched entranced. She had a smirk plastered across her face as the Reestablishment's soldiers realized their bullets were just scraps of metal to her. They tried to fight, hand to hand combat not knowing Juliette could absorb their life source in a matter of seconds. Juliette wouldn't allow it though, she'd shoot and dodge. She moves with such graceful violence it almost hard to believe she had barely learned to rage war. It was always a pleasure to see.

I run towards her; there were only about ten other soldiers on the field. A couple of them left their fights desperate for a conquest. They'd run towards me unsated blood lust in their eyes, I'd pull out my gun and shoot before they can register what they'd actually do. I continue towards Juliette when a loud bang sounds near me, and a sharp pain resonates through my left side. A soldier a few feet away is grinning. I quickly shoot him, and continue towards Juliette. I recall our conversation from the morning.

"Warner, please just wear a vest. It'd help me fight more at ease." Juliette asked me for the tenth time that morning.

"No, I don't need it, and I don't want it." I had put my foot down.

"Fine, I won't wear my suit. If you won't have protection, I won't have protection." she started walking towards the closet in our small room. She pulled out some black jeans and a tight black long sleeve. "Unzip me, please."

"Juliette, don't be a child. Wear your suit." I told her, not moving to unzip her from her suit.

"Whatever, I'll unzip myself." She reached behind her neck and slowly unzipped her suit. Before anything could make itself seen to me, she pulled on her shirt and jeans. "Come on, let's go get the stuff we're going to need. After that we'll head out to the field."

"Juliette, put on your suit." I said growing exasperated. She ignored me and pulled her hair into a pony tail. "Juliette, your suit, put it on. Now."

"Wear a vest." she said simply not giving in.

I rolled my eyes and walk towards her. Her face was impassive as she worked her hair into the rubber band. "I've done fine my whole career without a vest, I don't need one now."

"YES, I KNOW BUT YOU HADN'T HAD ANYONE WHO CARED IF YOU WEREN'T!" she screams at me, I take a cautious step back. Not in fear, but out of respect of my eardrums. "I love you! I care about you. I worry about you. I don't want you hurt. I understand you've been fighting for years, and you are very aware of your surroundings but a bullet is a bullet. I'm not going to lose you to something I could have easily protected you from. Please, Aaron just wear a vest."

I let her words sink in.


Her eyes light up brighter than any star I've ever been blessed to see.

"Okay," she said with a smile plastered across her face.

I put my body flush against hers, lifting her lips to mine. Her cheeks flush, and her body becomes aware of mine. Her pupils dilate.

"Now, how about I help you out of these clothes and back into your suit." I whisper, biting softly on her ear.

WarnetteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin