Dance With Me

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I wake up to a woman's voice ringing out from Aaron's office. I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes before I pull on Aaron's white T-Shirt. I walk over to his office but instead of walking straight through I peek through the crack. My jaw drops as I take in the view in front of me. Aaron's dancing. He's moving in perfect sync with the music, never missing a beat. His hips are moving with perfect precision. Since he's without a shirt, I can constantly see his muscles move and twitch. His eyes are closed, and his hair's a gorgeous blond mess. The woman's voice is hoarse and strong, but surprisingly beautiful. I can't take my eyes off Aaron, he seems so unreal. In my trance I don't realize how much pressure I'm putting on the door and accidentally slam it open. In doing so I break Aaron out of his reverie; his emerald eyes shoot open dazed and glassy. When he sees it's me he retrieves his equilibrium, and a cocky grin spreads across his face.

        "Errr...I was asleep...and I heard the music"

Blood rushes to my cheeks, when Aaron doesn't fix his gaze on anything else but me.

        "I should go back to bed.."

Before I can escape out of the office, Aaron wraps his arms around my waist. Even through the fabric of his T-Shirt, his touch sets me on fire. My knees are weak.

        "Dance with me, love."

Aaron whispers this into my ear before nibbling on my shoulder. A faint sigh escapes my lips when he bites harder.

        "I thought the reestablishment ordered all music to be destroyed."

        "Love, if you can recall I've never been one to follow my father's orders."

        "Who is this?"

        "Dance with me."

He turns me around before I can protest. He wraps my arms around his neck, and starts to move.

        "I can't dance."

        "But I can lead, very well as a matter a fact. I've lead you before."

A salacious grin takes over his face and I blush a deeper red.

        "You never answered me, who is this?"

        "Her name is Annie Lennox."

Aaron leans down, and starts singing softly in my ear.

        "I put a spell on you, because you're mine."

With the dancing, and his voice I can't take it. I pull his head up and slam my lips against his.

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