Jealousy (Warner's POV)

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A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates. I've had terrible writers block. Don't really think this goes with the title, but oh well it's like three am. Do you guys like when I write through Warner's point of view?? Send me requests if you'd like :)

I felt a brief moment of terror when I woke up without Juliette beside me. 


I got up, and walked towards my office. I noticed a slip of paper on the nightstand with Juliette's handwriting.

        Went to train with Kenji. I'll be back  hopefully before you wake up. I love you.


Although, she's "in love" with me, I can't help but fear losing her to meat-headed Kenji. She spends more time with him, than she ever does with me. She did say he was her best friend. As I shower, I attempt to put the thought of Juliette and Kenji together out of my head. I change quickly and rush outside. On the way, I run into James.

        "Hi, Warner, are you looking for Juliette?"

        "Yes, where is she?"

I said this with a little too much force causing James to shrink away from me. I reached over to ruffle his hair a bit, something I've learned makes him comfortable.

        "She's with Adam and Kenji training a bit."

Great. My blood didn't boil. My blood went ice cold with every other part of my being. I walk past James without saying goodbye impatient to find Juliette and sweep her away. I don't quite remember what stopped me from just shooting Kent when I had the chance. The only reason I don't now is James. I rush jog to the open field where Juliette and Kenji usually train, and forget about every reason I shouldn't kill Kent. 

        "Adam GET OFF!" 

I could barely hear this over the blood pounding in my ears. Kent hips are straddling Juliette while he's holding both her hands above her head. His head is buried in the crook of her neck. She could easily throw him off, but I suppose she doesn't want to hurt him. I, however, do not hold the same concern. I run over and tear the piece of shit off her. Before I could actually do any damage, Juliette and Kenji both tear me up off him.

        "Aaron I'm okay, I'm okay." 

I grabbed her by the waist and crashed her flush against me. Her eyes are wild, cheeks pink.

        "You're mine and only mine." I growled in her ear.

        "Only yours."

WarnetteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ