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Our bedroom is a disaster area, there is scattered clothes covering every inch of the floor. Funny enough, not even a percentage of it is mine. It's all Aaron's. His suits, jeans, sweatpants, underwear. After going through it all, I'm pretty sure he has two outfits for each day of the year. Once, he sees this mess he'll go nuts, but this is completely necessary. He's spent more money on clothes than on militia. I'm going to try to get him to donate clothes to some of the lesser fortunate citizens, but knowing Aaron and his vast love for fashion this will be quite a feat. 

I pause my rifling through his clothes when I heard the doorknob start to turn. I mentally prepare myself, to see Aaron go ballistic.

He walks in and takes a second or two to take in the room and he simply says, "Put my clothes back." Aaron proceeds to walk towards his office, not taking a moment to look at me.

I'm dumbstruck for a span of ten seconds before I follow him into his office. A messy argument is what I expected from him. "What do you mean, I'm donating your clothes."

He turns to me with a curious look, despite how hard I try hard to look at him with complete conviction it's difficult with that adorable look on his face. 

"Oh really, love?", a small, distant smile grows on his face.

"Yes, really. The less fortunate civilians are in need of nice clothing, and we both know fully well that you have an unnecessary abundance."

"It's not a unnecessary abundance, love, all this clothes,", he waves his hand around the room, "I wear. People respect the well-dressed, love, and I fully intend to be respected in all aspects."

It frustrates me that he makes such a strong point when his cause is no where near as generous as mine. "Yes, but wouldn't you want those poor civilians to be respected? You can't honestly say you expect them to respected in the rags they wear?"

He tilts his head and although leaving his lips I see the smile in his eyes. "Love, I think you know I couldn't care less. Besides, my vast collection of clothing is tailored to fit my body specifically."

"I'll have you know there could be countless civilians with your body type!", and in a fit of frustration I say something completely untrue. "I would know I've seen them myself."

I know it seemed like a harmless sentence but to Aaron it would be a spark to light his wildfire. Immediately, the playful smile in his eyes disappears and is replaced with a cold empty nothing.

"Because you pay so much attention," he steps towards me, but I hold my ground. "If you like paying so much attention to their bodies, I don't understand why you stick around here dealing with mine since I am oh so easily replaceable."

At first, I thought he was just angry, but I now realize he's hurt. To this very moment, he still surprises me with his mood swings.

"Listen, you and I both know its a load of crap, that I've seen civilians like you. No one has existed to be as perfect as you are. Physically, atleast." I step towards him, and take his hands in mine. "You know, you're the only irreplaceable in my life. I love you more than anyone or anything in this life."

Slowly but surely, his lips curl into a smile. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me up on him. "I'm a selfish bastard because I wouldn't have it any other way."

"You're still donating some clothes."

"I have my ways of persuasion." and just like that, he's back.

AN: I feel like garbage, its been ages and I'm so disappointed in my self. Hope, you enjoy this very short Warnette though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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