twenty two.

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This update isn't anywhere near as long as I wanted it to be but it'll do so I could update today 😂

He bought me another coffee.

I had been sitting at my desk on Monday morning and he just waltzed in, sat it in front of me before sitting down himself and sipping his own. He looked so cozy yet disproportionate as he sat on a seat meant for small children. His cheeks were a light pink colour due to the temperature outside but his outfit; a cream knitted sweater with a long black coat and black pants looked a lot warmer than the one I was wearing.

"How did you manage to guess my coffee order?" I quizzed, taking another sip of my cool drink.

"You got one the first time we went to the take away for lunch." He shrugged, as if he didn't remember something about me after seeing it once when Will can't even tell you if I drink coffee or tea after 4 years.

"But I never even really showed it to yo-"

"Shhh, Josephine. I want to enjoy the few moments of silence until it starts." His eyes closed blissfully as a silence fell over the room.

I had no idea what he was waiting for but at this point it is just easier to sit quietly than ask. Five minutes of no sounds beside the odd sipping noise passed before the bell signalling the start of the day rang loudly. Harry rolled his head back and groaned before standing from his miniature seat.

"And it begins."

He took note of my drink. He went out of his way to recall the way I had my coffee. He stored that information in his head, even if at the time he hated me.

I deserve things like that.

The realisation scared me, I have to admit. Have you ever had a moment where you realise that you don't actually deserve to be treated like shit, you have just been conditioned to believe it's normal? It was as if everything replayed in a flash.

I felt every hit against my skin.
The walls echoed every harsh word spoken towards me.
My heart ripped in half like my family did.
A lump the size of my screams formed in my throat.
My flesh burned with every comment on my size.

I was done with the lies.
I was done with the manipulation.
I was done with the hurt.
I was done with the pain.
I was done.

The front door clicked shut and I looked up from the dining table towards the hallway. I had rehearsed my speech almost 800 times and I had worked up the courage to finally do it. Until he rounded the corner into the open living area, then all the confidence I had simply washed out of me.

"Hey, baby." His work bag was discarded from his shoulder and he walked towards me with a huge smile on his face. His brown eyes were so bright they almost looked yellow and his cheeks were a light, childlike pink. He looked so young.

Hands were pressed to the sides of my face and he leant down to kiss me. His lips were soft as they pressed multiple light kisses to mine. I could smell the citrus from his cologne and the faintest hint of dust from his work clothes. His lips curved into a smile and he continued his gentle assault on my lips, moving to my cheeks and nose.

Once he pulled away, hands remaining on the sides of my face, he spoke again, "How was your day?" His thumbs stroked soft patterns on my cheekbones as he patiently awaited my response.

"I- It was good. How was yours?"

"It was great. I think it started because I had such a good night's sleep last night but everything just went well toda-" his voice faded as he turned and made his way into the kitchen.

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