forty six.

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The remainder of the weekend consisted of knowing looks from Clem and stolen moments with Harry. We both knew something was going on between us but neither of us made an effort to label whatever it was. Labels terrified me, once a label is applied - it opens up the opportunity to get hurt.

In no way, shape or form would I picture Harry hurting me in the way that Will did. But the deep feeling we shared acted as enough proof that we were both in too deep and it was going to burn if it ended.

Monday flew past quickly, the kids were on their best behaviour and it was much appreciated. We walked in the front door after the Tuesday night staff meeting and headed to the kitchen. Harry had invited his friends over tonight and they were due to arrive in an hour. We danced around the kitchen to tidy up everything, missing each other's path like a well oiled machine.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about not having Clem here, but I was excited to see Adrian again - even though Clem had been feeding him information all weekend so I was sure to hear about it. I continued to hope the night would run smoothly, Ella and I didn't have the smoothest record.

"You okay?" Hands wrapped around my stomach from behind and I was gently pulled backwards towards a chest.

My eyes closed in bliss as the smell of his cologne surrounded me. I simply nodded, remaining silent. I didn't want to tell him the thought of seeing Ella without Clem here made me sick and almost drove me to lock myself in my room. He placed a gentle kiss to the back of my neck, exposed by the bun my hair was in. A smile graced my lips, I had noticed I was smiling a lot more lately. It was never forced anymore.

A knock echoed down the hallway followed by the sound of the door swinging open. For the brief moment the door was open, I could hear the wind raging outside. It wasn't particularly rainy today but the breeze lowered the temperature tremendously and it only continued to pick up speed all day.

"Hello, fuckers. I sure hope that's not what I'm about to find when I get my shoes off." Adrian's tone was teasing and it made a blush spread across my face instantly. Harry let out a loud laugh before detaching himself from me and making his way towards the kitchen table.

The shuffling soon ended and Adrian made his way into the kitchen, putting the two bags of take out on the table. We had all decided it was just easier to order what we all want instead of coordinating the meals.

Adrian made his way to me first, wrapping his arms around me quickly but not without whispering 'I fucking knew it would happen sooner or later,' in my ear. After his poke at me, he made his way over to the table and whispered something to Harry which resulted in Harry gifting him a firm smack across the back of the head.

We all sat and enjoyed each other's company for about ten minutes until the front door swung open again, signalling that Ella and Michael were here. I tensed up straight away, Harry seemed to notice because his foot slid under the table to rub against my calf.

Michael rounded the corner first, a forced smile on his face. He didn't seem like someone who enjoyed social things very much, he gave off the vibe that he enjoyed being on his own but was dragged to these things by his sister.

Ella entered the room last and she looked stunning, it came natural to her. She wore a smile that could light up a room if some of the occupants didn't hate her guts. The smile fell though once she saw me sitting opposite Harry, any attempts she had made to get rid of me had obviously failed. I was here to stay.

Once all the greetings were out of the way, we made our way into the lounge room and distributed the food. I sat in the centre of the three seater couch with Harry on one side and Adrian on the other. Ella sat sideways on the green armchair situated in the reading corner and Michael sat on the floor, seemingly comfortable on the rug below him.

The group made small talk while we ate, I did my best not to contribute unless a question or statement was directed at me. I just needed to make it through tonight without aggravating Satan sitting in the corner and I would be fine.

They spoke about a possible weekend away at an Airbnb when the weather improved, how their jobs were going and what they had been up to the previous weekend. Adrian tried his best to bring me into every conversation but thanks to Ella's hatred for me, I rarely had to speak.

Once everyone was finished eating, I tried to relax back further into the couch. I was tired but I didn't want to give Ella the opportunity to try and talk them out of being friends with me. Yawns passed my lips, no matter how hard I tried to force them down.

"Are you tired? Did you want me to send them home?" Harry whispered to me so no one would hear.

"No, of course not. Don't send your friends home just because I'm tired. I'm a big girl, if I'm tired I can just go to bed."

Harry rolled his eyes with a smile before throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side to lean against him. My heart race picked up, not only because of the display of closeness but also fear of Ella's reaction. Then Harry placed a kiss to the top of my head which was really the fucking cherry on top because Ella shot up from her seat and stormed into the kitchen. After a few moments, she reemerged and interrupted Michael's story with her own.

"I met a guy, things are getting pretty serious I would think." Her eyes were locked on Harry's face, hoping to catch his reaction. When he didn't offer the kind she had hoped for, I saw the anger flash across her face.

"That's great, El. Maybe you should bring him along to the weekend away, so we can all meet him?" He asked, genuinely wanting to meet the person her friend was seeing.

It was so obvious she was pissed that he didn't show any signs of jealousy because that was the last we heard of the topic for the rest of the night. She didn't last much longer before she declared that Michael and her were leaving.

"Oh El, it was $11.50 for your meal if you could please send that through to me." Adrian spoke as she waited for Michael to get up off the floor.

"Yeah, no problem. I'm glad we all just got our own meals. I would hate to know what it would have cost to feed us all split evenly. I mean my meal was only small compared to some other people's." Her eyes never left mine.

It cut deep. As much as I had tried to prepare myself for tonight so nothing she could say would hurt me, the reality of the situation was that I was still human and being degraded like that stung.

"I know exactly what you mean, mine was actually only $7.95 so I would have hated to have split everyone's meals. I completely understand." I narrowed my eyes at her as I spoke and she seemed to double back at my words.

Yeah, that's right cunt. Your meal was more expensive than the fat girls.

"Goodnight, Michael. Goodnight, Elsa." I continued as they walked out the front door.

Adrian left half an hour later, after trying to squeeze any details of our situationship out of us. We told him nothing, obviously, and he eventually gave up and headed off.

"I guess it's time for bed then." Harry yawned, standing from his spot on the couch and extending his hand for me to grab.

I met his hand and let him help me from the couch before following him towards the hallway. I didn't make it much further before I was pulled into his bedroom and gently pulled towards his bed.

This had occurred Sunday and Monday night, I never made it the rest of the way down the hallway before being begged to stay in his room.

Not that I was complaining.

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