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play this song when it says to... if you want :)

Monday morning rolled around sooner than I had thought it would, and I felt guilty at how excited I was. I stood out on the front step in my robe, coffee in hand and watched as Will packed his swag, bag and alcohol into the back of Kev's car. I didn't understand why they wanted to leave at 7:30am, but I was going to be awake anyway so it didn't affect me.

I waved as the car convoy began their journey, I still didn't know where they were going but I knew I was expecting Will home either Sunday night or Monday morning the following week.

Once the cars were out of sight, I returned to the warmth of the house and finished my breakfast. I was hoping to arrive at the school around 8am, so I had 10 minutes to get dressed and brush my teeth. I wasn't too stressed though because I could stay as late as I wanted to.

I threw on some old leggings that had holes in the knees as well as paint splotches from when I used to paint over the summer and a hoodie that I also used to paint in. I threw my hair in a low bun to keep it out of my face and quickly brushed my teeth. I took my bag with some food, water, a speaker and my phone charger out to the car. 7:42. Perfect.

Mr Styles' car was in the car park already, how long has he been here? My hands were freezing and it took me some time to differentiate the keys on my lanyard but eventually I was able to unlock the main door and make my way down the hallway. The heater was quick to heat the space which was a godsend because it was going to be a long day in the room if it was cold. My phone connected to the speaker and I began playing my playlist

It was difficult to decide what to paint first because I had a lot to choose from. The windowsills and doorframes stood out because they would require a few more coats than the other parts of the room, but I was so excited about the chalkboard paint for the chairs. Then again the tabletops were going to come out beautifully and I knew that I was just procrastinating starting the walls because that would take the longest time.

I made my way over to the collection of paint cans I had sitting in the corner. Huffing, I pointed my finger towards the paint tin in the centre. "Eenie Meenie Miney Moe, catch a tiger by the toe, if he hollers let him go, Eenie Meenie Miney Moe." I grabbed the can my finger had landed on and grabbed the screwdriver I had to open it. Crossing my fingers I popped the lid of the tin and looked in the can. "Yes!" I whispered in victory, looking down at the white paint for the sills and frames.

It took me almost an hour to paint one of the large window frames. The fact the windows went to the ceiling which was at least 10 feet from the ground had slipped my mind so I had to find one of the cleaners to let me into the ladder storage closet. I climbed back down the ladder and looked at the fresh white window, it was going to need a few more coats but I was already so pleased.

I turned to the doorway which was also going to be painted white, I hadn't decided if I was going to leave the door in its existing pale green state yet or not. I began the first coat, small droplets of paint falling onto the laid out newspaper around the base. It only took 15 minutes with the large brush and roller to paint the first layer of white around the sliding door and I turned once again to face the windows, eyes settling on the second untouched window.

*Play Walking On a Dream by Empire of the Sun*

The familiar synth tune played through my speaker and a smile instantly crossed my face. This song was my comfort song, it never failed to boost my mood and the realisation of how much painting I am going to have to do left my mood needing a boost. I picked up the paint tin, brush and roller and strutted my way over to the other side of the room.

"Walking On a Dream." I sang out, climbing the ladder. I decided after watching the paint drip from the top and ruin my work on the bottom that I would this time work down rather than up.

"Talking to myself." I almost laughed at the lyrics with the amount of times today alone I had cursed at myself for dropping paint or missing a spot.

"We are always running for the thrill of it, thrill of it." My hips swayed and shoulders rolled as I painted along the top side of the window.

I could tell that if my playlist kept providing tunes like this, I would have this room finished in no time at all. It's like the paint could tell I was in a good mood and decided to spread easier and streak free.

"Is it real now, when two people become one." I screamed the lyrics, face hurting from smiling so much. This song just reminded me of driving to the beach with the windows open, you can smell the saltiness of the water approaching and the cool ocean breeze is entering through the window.

Before I knew it, the top of the window was painted and I could start on the sides. I took a few steps down the ladder and continued to paint. The crisp whiteness of the paint looked beautiful even alongside the current wall colour, adding to my growing excitement.

"Thought I'd never see, the love you found in me." My head bopped along to the tune.

I never knew why this song had such an effect on me, maybe it was the carefree vibe it gave off. Or the lyrics about loving someone, which I felt so strongly when Will and I started dating years ago. Even possibly the fact that I used to listen to this song on repeat with my best friend during the summer, I missed him every now and again but this song really brings it out when I think about it and him enough.

"Never looking down, I'm just in awe of what's in front of me." I stopped painting for a moment and sang into my paint brush before returning to the job.

"You know ladders are very dangerous and you shouldn't be messing around on them." A voice stated matter-of-factly. The disturbance caused me to almost slip, my hands shot out to grasp the ladder railing.

My head snapped in the direction of the door to see Mr Styles wearing black jeans, a grey hoodie and a warm looking coat. His arms were crossed over his chest, one foot rested in front of the other as he leant against the doorway with a smirk. So I reciprocated one.

"Ladders are only dangerous when there are people around who don't care about the safety of those on them." My voice was slightly raised as I climbed down the remainder of the ladder.

He pursed his lips but quickly replying back, "protocol means you're technically not supposed to be on a ladder without someone here to watch. You know, in case you were to fall off one and seriously injure yourself or someone else."

Catch me I'm falling down. I stifled a laugh at the timing of the lyrics but didn't let it show otherwise he would think I thought his statement was funny.

"Well I didn't fall and I won't fall because I am careful. I thought you said you had important things to do so why are you down here trying to verbally push me off a ladder?" I turned back around and returned to my position on the ladder, brush in hand, ready to finish this window.

"I could hear music from my office, as well as this almost pained voice crying out. I'm guessing it was your singing, from what I witnessed standing here." I flicked my head back around to see him scanning the room, obviously looking for the paint improvement.

I rolled my eyes and continued on the window, sides now finished so I could do the final piece along the bottom of the window.

"You'll never get this done, you know?" The satisfaction was evident in his voice.

"You could leave me alone so I can actually get this finished. Or pick up a brush." I gestured to the abundance of supplies I had purchased.

"Mmm, no thanks. Don't really have my painting clothes on."

My smirk reappeared and I turned fully to face him. "That's a real shame," I cocked my head to the side and fake pouted before pointing in his direction, "the door frame is wet."

His body shot off the door frame he had been leaning against and he looked over his shoulder to see the line of white paint trailing down his presumably expensive coat.

"Have a great rest of your day, Mr Styles." I flicked my hands in a 'go away' gesture before sliding the door closed behind him.

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