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The water taxi back to Scienceworks was chilly, the night air had definitely set in and I was relying heavily on Harry's body warmth to stop myself from freezing. By the time we made it back to the car it was 10:45pm and after teaching all day then going on our date, I was exhausted.

The next time I opened my eyes, we were turning in Harry's street and the time read 12:05am. Although I was disoriented at first, his hand on my knee was enough to ground me. There were three cars parked in Harry's driveway; Clem's, mine and one I wasn't familiar with.

"Sorry," my voice was raspy with sleep, "I didn't mean to fall asleep. Whose car is that?"

His eyes screwed shut and he let out huffs of air in a silent sob, "It's Adrians."

We made our way up the footpath and through the front door. A rhythmic banging noise was echoing down the hallway and for a moment I was confused until the realisation set in. My hand flew up to cover my mouth as a loud cackle left my lips. Clem and Adrian were obviously fucking and weren't showing any signs of settling down.

I was quickly pulled into Harry's room and the door was slammed shut. He moved around the room, grabbing towels from his bathroom and stuffing them under the door to block out the noise. It was a funny sight, watching him get so frazzled when he was usually so composed.

"They always do this, if she would just tell me when he's coming around I would make myself scarce. I would have booked us a place in the city or something, but no, she keeps it a secret and I'm forced to walk into the audiobook for 'Fifty Shades of Fucked Up'." His words almost slurred together with how fast he was talking, and I almost got distracted halfway through when he started removing his suit jacket and unbuttoning his pink shirt.

"Oh relax, it could have been worse," I watch his face as I continue, "it could have been on the kitchen table, or the couch, or the bench-"

"Shut up, Josephine. Or I'll make you go knock."

His shirt was discarded, leaving his tan chest exposed and he sat down on the edge of the bed. Unintentionally, I crossed my arms over my stomach and caved in on myself. He was perfect, too perfect.

As always, he noticed my discomfort and extended his hand to grab my elbow. He gently tugged me towards him so I stood between his spread legs. Hands moved towards my own, linking his fingers with mine before raising them to his lips and placing light kisses on the knuckles.

"So beautiful." He whispered.

The window above his bed was currently uncovered, the light seeping in from the moon being our only light source. It casted a stunning shadow across his skin, contouring it even more than it already was. The light, or lack thereof, added a sense of intimacy to the situation. It was just me, him and the moon.

"You're the beautiful one. Made by the greatest artists in the world, you are." I whispered back, almost not wanting him to hear me.

In an instant, he was on his feet in front of me. Hands left mine and found their way to my cheeks, pulling my face towards his with a sense of urgency once again. In the heat of the moments, my hands had been wedged between us, pressed up against his firm abdomen. I didn't want to move them if I'm being completely truthful, so instead I hooked my pointer fingers into the loops of his suit pants and used all my strength to pull him as close to me as I physically could.

His skin was hot against mine and with every breath of air he would take, a whimper would follow suit. Butterflies were pumping through my body at an insane rate and before my brain could analyse it, my mouth acted on its own.

"Untie my dress, slowly."

He froze, eyes locked on mine like he was trying to tell if I was 100% okay with the action. I nodded rapidly, silently begging him to do it before my confidence faded. His hands moved rapidly to untie the bow at the back of my neck. Once it fell loose, my head rolled back at the newfound freedom.

Jumping at the opportunity, lips attached to the skin of my neck.
"Har- fuck. No marks, not for school." I was almost breathless at this point but I had to be logical.

He nodded against my skin but continued to leave wet kisses up my jaw and down the side of my neck. Gradually, we began stepping backwards until I felt the mattress press against the back of my knees. I tried to lower myself to sit on the bed but after a muffled 'nuh uh' I was spun around and Harry sat himself down on the mattress.

He looked up at me from this position with flushed cheeks, swollen lips and a glint in his eyes that made my stomach flip. Maintaining eye contact, he scooted himself back on the bed before tapping his thighs lightly three times.

"C'mon beautiful, have a seat."


Hi everyone, sadly this has been the worst week of my life so this chapter was poorly executed BUT besties... I'm about to try and write a different kind of content for chapter fifty one.
Wish me luck xx

Meet Me in the Hallway (HS AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora