A Very Clary Christmas

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A/N: HEEEEEEY EVERYONE!!!! I'M BAAAACK!!!!! I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update, but first I had writers block, then someone stole my laptop!!!! I got it back, but now someones stolen my Ipod >:( . Anyways, I'm sure you don't wanna hear about my shity life, so on with the story lol.

Jace's Pov:

        It's been 6 years. 6 long, crappy, painful, year. Alec talks to me, but whenever Clary is mentioned, he gets this annoyed, slightly pissed off look on his face. Magnus will occasionally say something to me and at least he acknowledges my presence. Izzy still hates me, as does Simon . They completely ignore me, avoid me whenever possible, and when they do have to be around me, they pretend I don't exist. Once, Izzy actually tried to walk right through me. She was walking towards me and I had thought maybe she was actually going to talk to me, but instead she looked right through me, then walked right into me, just to prove her stupid point. It's like I don't exist to her. She didn't even invite me to her and Simon's wedding 3 years ago. Maryse doesn't really care that Clary is gone, but is annoyed at me for "starting family drama" and is annoyed at Izzy for "being stubborn and holding a grudge". Ironically, that makes Alec her favorite. It doesn't matter though, none of it does. I will find Clary and make everything right again.

        I have never given up searching for her. No one has given up, but I have devoted most of my life to it. All I ever do anymore is look for Clary and hunt. We know she's still alive, the silent brothers have told us that much, but they won't tell us anything else. Right now, Maryse is forcing me to take a break from everything for christmas and spend time with the family. I tried to argue and say Clary is my family, so I need to find her, and she told me no. Now i'm in the Institute dinning room, with a bunch of people who hate me. Izzy, Simon, Alec, Magnus, Robert, Maryse, and I are all eating dinner in an awkward and tension filled silence I looked around, and all I could think was "By the angel, things have changed so much since Clary left". Not only were Izzy and Simon now married, but they had 2 kids. Their oldest child was a little girl named Harmony. She was 5, with had Izzy's black hair and Simon's coffee colored eyes. She was born out of wedlock, which really upset Maryse, but Maryse got over it. Their second child is a boy named Michael. He was now 2 and looked EXACTLY like a miniature version of Simon. Izzy is pregnant again, and they just found out 2 weeks ago that it's a boy. They plan on naming him Gabriel.

        Maryse had invited Jocelyn and Luke to dinner, but they didn't come. They haven't been able to look at me since Clary left. Since Clary left, they have adopted 4 children. They were planning on adopting before Clary ran away so she would have siblings, but even though she was gone, they still went through with it. They adopted 2 werewolf boys, James and Zach, who were orphaned at the age of 4 after their pack was massacred by vampires. They are now 10. They also adopted a shadowhunter girl named Amalia whose parents were killed by demons. She was 10 and it happened 3 years ago so she is 13. They also adopted a girl named Lily who was bitten by a werewolf and turned at the age of 8. It happened 5 years ago, so she is now also 13. Izzy and Simon visit them often, and since Izzy talks to Alec and Maryse, and I talk to them, I know all this.

        Anyways, back to the family dinner. We were all eating silently. Maryse would occasionally try to start up a conversation which would die out soon after. Izzy and Simon's kids, along with the children Alec and Magnus's adopted children, 3 warlock siblings, were playing in the Institute library because they all insisted that they weren't hungry. Then Alec and Magnus's oldest child came stomping into the dining room. Her name is Magdalana, but she prefers Lane. She's a 15 year old, rebellious warlock girl and the half sister of her 2 siblings. She is pale, about 5'7, has big gray/blue eyes, and straight, purple hair, which is her warlock mark, along with large, leathery bat wings which she usually kept folded against her back, so if she was wearing a loser shirt or sweatshirt, you wouldn't even notice them. She seemed cold, bossy, reserved, and quite mean when you first meet her, but once you got to know her, you realized that was because her mundane mother was a neglectful woman who had gotten herself into a demon worshiping cult, which resulted in her having sex with demons and having warlock children. Since her mother was like that, she was left to protect and raise her siblings. Her mother died of demon pox's when she was 11, which is when Magnus and Alec adopted her, along with her siblings. Anyways, she stopmed in, her eyes blazing in fury and her lips pursed like she just ate something sour. She started yelling at everyone and no one about how she was sick of watching the younger kids all alone and saying she was sick of being treated like a child. I volunteered to go upstairs and help her watch the little kids for two reasons. One, I felt kind of bad for her and two, I wanted to escape the awkward tension of the dining room. Though Maryse objected, I ended up going upstairs with her.

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