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     The group had quickly realised that all of their ways out had been blocked. Isaac had his head peeking through one of the holes above them, trying to spot either Scott or Stiles but he couldn't really see much from the storm. More dirt was starting to seep into the cellar, making Jennifers plan all the more obvious to everyone.

A loud rumbling had caught their attention, looking upward they noticed that more of the ground above them was seeping through, if Stilinski hadn't pulled Isaac back when the beam collapsed, it would have crushed him.

     "It's gonna collapse in on us." Venus yelled out, noticing the beams above them to start to break. Isaac quickly moves under one of the main beams, holding it up and trying to keep the ceiling from crushing all of them.

Pushing Stilinski and Melissa to the side, she joins the boy, holding her hands above her head and taking n a deep breath, willing the ground above them to hold a little longer.

     They were both starting to sweat, more ground was collapsing around them making the space tighter. Venus knew Isaac couldn't hold it for much longer, partly due to his claustrophobia and partly due to the impending lunar eclipse. So the girl had been saving her strength, knowing that in a few minutes it would be on her to keep the cellar up.

     "Is it me, or is this place getting smaller?" the boy grunts, looking at the girl next to him, surprised to see a small field of energy covering the six of them. Equally surprising the adults around them as well, since she either hadn't been on the chess board or they weren't told she was any part supernatural.

     She could tell Isaac was starting to struggle as the eclipse was getting closer and closer, the boy finally dropping the beam when the moon had been fully covered. Venus let out a yell as she feels more weight pushing down on her hands from over.

"I can't hold it!" Isaac yells, letting out a pained gasp.

     "Stay close to me!" she yells out to them, the strain evident in her voice. The five listen to her, instantly doing as she said, trying to help her as much as they could. The creaking above them was only increasing as the girl chanted affirmations in her head.

Sweet Eurydice, help me! Come on you stupid tree, just hold a little longer.

     Thankfully she didn't have to hold it for much longer before Stiles jumped down into the cellar, wedging his baseball bat between the ground and the beam above them. Throwing himself at his dad shortly after, clearly glad to see them alive.

However, the dirt was still flowing into the cellar and the storm outside was still raging as the seven of them packed closer together.

     "I can hold the dirt from falling further in." Venus calls out, holding her hands out in front of her, creating a small barrier between them and the sink holes. "But it won't stop unless she stops it or they kill her."

     She could see the worry grow on the faces around her at her words. Venus had began to struggle after a few minutes, her energy draining quicker than she though it would but she wasn't about to let any of these people die. A groan escapes her involuntarily as she feels her strength slipping further away by the second.

     "Vee, you're gonna wear yourself out." Stiles informs, placing his hand on her shoulder but he didn't get a response from the girl. She wasn't going to break her focus.

Suddenly, the wind coming from above them stops squealing and the shaking of the earth come to a halt. The dirt stops flowing into the cellar, finally giving Venus the chance to drop her hands and catch her breath, Stiles giving her shoulder a squeeze.

VENUS 🪐 STILES STILINSKI {1} Where stories live. Discover now