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"We're here"

My mom says as I sleepily opened my eyes to the sun striking me through the car window. I got my stuff from the car and hopped off.

"Is this it?" I say

"Yup, welcome to our new home bud" My dad replies.

I looked at the house with a warm feeling in my heart. I was happy with the new place. I didn't really have any friends from my last neighborhood, which is why I'm really looking forward to this one. I no longer want to be alone, instead, I want to make new friends. I still need to work on that though.

I'm a 9-year-old kid and an only child. My parents and I transferred to a new neighborhood due to some conflicts with our last one.

We had a bad water supply and the electricity often fluctuates. It wasn't usually like that, and we never planned to transfer since that was my parents' first home together. But, we couldn't handle the difficulties and decided to transfer instead.

"Are you hungry sweetie?" My mom asks.

"Not really" I replied.

"I can make you a sandwich when we get inside. How about that?" She says.

"I'd love that mommy." I hug her with a smile on my face.

As I and my mom were waiting for dad to open up the house, a sudden ball hit me on my feet.

I looked behind and there I saw a kid. He had fair skin, he looked around my age and was wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt.

"Hey. Sorry about the ball, I can be a little clumsy" He says with a silly smile on his face.

I wanted to reply back and say that it was nothing, but my shy and introverted self panicked and hid behind my mom.

My mom looked at the kid and gave her an apologetic smile "Sorry about that. Avery is a bit shy. You don't have to worry about the ball, it's fine hon."

The kid stared at my mom for a bit and then he titled his head to the side and is trying to look at me.

Our eyes meet and he gave me a smile and it startled me. It was the friendliest smile I've ever seen. A smile that could give anyone warmth and comfort. The only reason why it startled me was that no one has been this friendly to me ever since.

People never really enjoyed my presence because they said I was too much of a coward to approach and communicate with people. But this kid was different.

"Thank you for understanding miss" He says as he was about to turn his back. "Excuse me. Can I ask for your name? We're new to this neighborhood, I thought it would be nice to meet your family" My mom says.

"My name is Jay Park miss." He says with a smile. That sweet smile of his. "We live right beside your house. Welcome to the neighborhood!" He gives a little laugh. After they bid their goodbyes we then finally entered our house.

I ate the sandwich my mom promised to make for me and I ran up to my room to see what my room was like. It wasn't too big and wasn't too small, it was just right. I was happy with it. I was about to leave the room when I noticed something about my window.

I looked at the house beside ours through the window and saw Jay right there.

He waved at me, it took me a while but I gave a tiny wave back. He then got a paper from his desk and I saw how he wrote something.

He then showed me the paper that says "Do you wanna play outside?" I looked at it and then with a smile on my face, I nodded my head yes.

I felt the happiest that day. My heart felt full. It was the beginning of our friendship and how I met Jay.

Lots of love :)
- ims

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