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It's a Sunday morning. Mia came over to hang out in my place and she couldn't believe what I told her.

"Yes. That's exactly what he said."

I'm home. How much of a jerk can he be? He left me, ignored me, and now he comes back as nothing happened. Just great.

"What an asshole" Mia says.

I am lazily laying down in bed with Mia beside me.

"If I see that Jay dude, I'm definitely going to  teach him a lesson"

I held her hand. "It's okay. Don't be too worked up. I'm sure he had his reasons"

She looks at me softly. "Are you sure you're okay? I don't want you crying." She says, concerned.

I smiled. "I really am. I just didn't expect to see him, which is probably why I cried. But really, I'm okay." I said back.

Mia may seem like a rude person, but she's actually really genuine to those she cares about.

We became friends because of being paired up for a school project. We never interacted before, but ever since the project, we realized how similar we actually were with each other. She even started calling me "Ave" out of nowhere. 

I'd really like to thank that teacher who paired us up that day. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have Mia in my life.

Mia stayed for lunch and she later left home. I took a shower and got ready for the day. As I was tidying up my room, I slid the curtain and opened up my window for fresh air. I was about to turn my back, but I noticed Jay from the other side.

He's still staying in this neighborhood? I thought.

There were times when I'd look at my window hoping to see him on the other side but to actually see him made me relieved in a way.

He jolted up and was looking at me as if he was waiting for me by his window for days. We had eye contact for a second, but I immediately looked away.

It's been three days since the incident with Jay happened. After he saw me crying he stepped back a bit to give me space. I wiped my tears and left without saying a word that day. Too carried away by my emotions to even speak. I don't really know why I cried.

But I just knew that the moment I saw Jay, I realized that the hurt I felt was still there and that I missed him so much. I really did.

I started doing my homework for an hour until my mom knocked on my door.

"Hi hon, you have a visitor downstairs. Come say hi" My mom says.

I wonder who that might be. I stood up, looked at my appearance one last time to make sure I look presentable, and went downstairs.

When I took my last step down the stairs and turned right, I saw my dad and Jay with sliced fruits on our dining table.

"Darling come here. Say hello to your friend" my dad says.

I honestly wanted to leave but I thought maybe I'm just being too harsh so I decided to take a seat.

"Jay here was telling me about his life in America" My dad smiles at Jay fondly.

"He had such a great time" He continues.

"Yeah, had too much fun that he started to forget people" I say almost a whisper, but I'm sure Jay heard me since I was seated right beside him.

Shit. Why did I say that out loud? I mentally facepalmed myself.

I could sense Jay's eyes on me, but I didn't bother to look.

"Avery, why don't you and Jay go for a walk? You know catch up and all" My dad says.

"Oh, I'm sure Jay wouldn't want that since he probably has some unpacking-"

"Not at all. I'd love that actually." Jay says as he looks at me.

"Well, have fun then" My dad shakes Jay's hand and leaves us.

I and Jay walked in silence around the neighborhood. We haven't seen each other for so long so it was a bit difficult for me to start a conversation.

The silence resulted in me thinking about how I cried in front of him that day. It was so embarrassing and I really wanted to apologize for it.

"Hey, listen" we said in sync. We laughed at our synchronization.

"You go first" I said.

"No, please go ahead" He says back.

I thought for a moment then spoke

"I'm sorry I cried that day at the library. I must have startled you." I say avoiding his eyes.

"Don't worry about it. There's something I want to apologize for as well."

This time I looked at him. "But before that, can I hug you?" I looked at him in surprise and before I could even reply he went in for a hug.

He felt warm. I could smell that familiar scent that I so much missed. He has that manly scent but also brings comfort at the same time. He feels at home.

"I'm sorry I ignored you" he started.

"I can't really tell you to want the reason is at the moment, but I promise I'd never ignore you for anything stupid. Trust me Avery." He was still hugging me while trying to apologize for what he did.

I trust Jay. I knew he'd never hurt me, at least that's what I thought.

"I trust you Jay. Don't make me worry like that again" He had a small laugh.

"I won't" he replies back.

He finally let go of me and stepped away from me for a bit, only then did he realized what he just did.

"What are you blushing for?" I say. Jay has his hand on his face trying to hide his reaction out of embarrassment as if I couldn't see him.

"I'm sorry- it's just I was used to hugging you a lot when we were younger. I almost forgot you're a lady now"

I pushed him playfully.

"It's fine! what are you being so awkward about." I laughed

"I see you still have that thing of embarrassing yourself-"

"Stop" he cuts me off.

I laughed and he laughed along with me. We went for a walk a little longer then he walked me back to my house.

"Goodnight Avery" He ruffles my hair then walks away.

Lots of love :)
- ims

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