26 💫

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It was the next weekday after the camping trip. We are currently getting changed for our PE class. 

Basketball? Volleyball? Nah, our PE classes are swimming. That's one of the greatest reasons why I love this school.

One problem though, I don't know how to swim.

Me not being a sportive person is one thing, but running and such is not my favorite thing which is why I prefer swimming more.

I mean, PE is supposed to teach me the sport right?

"You do be looking hot in that swimwear" Mia says as she ties her hair into a bun.

"Mia, I'm straight" I joked.

I laughed as she pushes me playfully by the shoulder and continues to get herself ready for the swimming activity. 

We are currently in the change room and I was just done putting my uniform into my locker for me to change to later.

Our swim attire was a one-piece dark blue sleeveless bathing suit. It was a bit uncomfortable to wear since swimwear is known to be a fitting attire, but what can I do?

Our teacher called us so we decided to move to the pool right away.

I hurriedly fixed my short curly hair, and though I was hastily doing so, it still managed to look as neat as I wanted it to.

"Okay students, may I ask those who don't know how to swim?" Mr. Kim asks as a sign that our PE class has begun.

I looked around and noticed that none of my classmates raised their hands.

This made me anxious, yet, I slowly raised my hand and later regret it because of the stares that were shooting in my direction.

Though there were stares, I noticed that ever since I entered the pool area, Jay not even once looked in my direction. He kept avoiding my eyes, or just me in general.

Does he despise me that much?

"Jung Avery please move this way" Mr. Kim instructs me.

I obliged at his instructions and moved to the side.

After Mr. Kim's instructions, he made his way towards me and informed me that there's a possibility we would have private lessons for teaching me how to swim.

I simply agreed with him, since I too wanted to learn the sport.


My classmates were grouped in two as they were playing a game.

It was a swimming race made by Mr. Kim saying that whichever team wins will have high grades in PE.

I, on the other hand. Didn't know how to swim so I just blindly picked a paper and whichever team was written on there, is the team I am part of.

Luckily I picked the yellow team, which was the team Mia is in and is also the winning team!

Of course, I didn't just sit the whole time.

After the game, Mr. Kim taught me how to swim and though I didn't have confidence in myself, I can't deny the fact that I was learning and I was proud of it.

"That's it! You're doing great" Mr. Kim says as we were currently in the deep area of the pool, wherein I am slowly learning how to swim while being supported by a life jacket.

"Just keep practicing that and you'll be fine" Mr. Kim says as we got out of the pool.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you Sir" I say grabbing my towel to dry myself up.

As I was walking towards Mia, I hear Charlotte's annoying voice.

"Is the little princess enjoying her time swimming?" she asks smiling sarcastically.

"And did u enjoy losing?" I smiled back at her sarcastically, us both knowing that their team lost the swimming race.

Her smile disappeared from her face as she walks closer to me.

"The only reason you're getting a high grade is because of pure luck, nothing else"

"Your point is?" I say, not having any of her pointless talks.

"Who knows, you probably just faked being an amateur in swimming" she started

"Because that's what you do right? A fake. Just like how you faked your feelings."

My hands started to shake, her words now getting on my nerves. Hurting me with daggers to my heart once again.

It reminded me of our second encounter.

She said hurtful words. Words that up to this day are still very vivid to me.

She laughs in amusement.

"Jung Avery, you're nothing but a fake"

That's it.

That was my limit.

With all the anger bottled up inside me, I raised my hand and harshly slapped the amusement out of her face.

I heard gasps and felt stares all around me, but that didn't matter. Not anymore.

"Don't you dare say another word to me. You filthy disgusting being"

I glared at her as I was breathing heavily out of fury.

I walked past her and I kept walking until I felt a sturdy push

Charlotte pushed me.

The next thing I know, I was in the pool. I was trying my best to swim and to make it out of there.

I was doing the thing Mr. Kim taught me earlier but I was struggling and to no avail, I slowly stopped trying and allowed myself to drown, letting my tiredness get the best of me.

As I was drowning and getting deeper and closer to the pool's floor, my vision was slowly turning pitch black.

All I felt at this point was the freezing water that swallowed my entire body, and fear.

I felt so much fear. I was truly scared.

And even with the force of the push that I felt earlier, I heard a voice before I fell into the pool.

A scream almost.

It was the voice of the man who's been avoiding me, in which I wish he never was.

Park Jongseong

Lots of love :)
- ims

another chapter is up! yay yay!

also, mbs (my brightest star) just reached 1k reads and 100 votes 😭😭 i'm literally gonna cry thank you so much you guys don't understand how happy i am.

also, i'd love to interact with u guys so please don't be scared to share your thoughts in the comments!

ily all!!

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