13 💫

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It's a lazy Thursday and all I wanna do is go home and take a long nap. I wanna hop on my bed with the air conditioner on and just close my eyes 'til I fall asleep. But, of course, that won't happen, because Thursdays are weekdays.

I am currently in class listening to Mr. Lee. Well, I'm honestly just barely listening as I fight the urge to sleep.

"That is the end of our discussion. Are there any questions?" Mr. Lee asks.

My classmates automatically said "no". I guess I'm not the only one who's tired of school after all.

"Okay then. I have an announcement to make." Mr. Lee begins and everyone listened to what he had to say next.

"There will be a school sports festival held this coming Monday. We would need representatives to join the various sports competitions. Such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, and such."

Everyone cheered at his announcement. They started chatting about who should represent what sport. I, on the other hand, had no interest at all. I'm not really sportive.

"Mr. Lee! I'd like to volunteer Jay as one of our basketball representatives" a classmate of mine speaks.

However, that caught my interest.

"You're right! Jay is a very competitive person. we'll surely win with him on the team" my other male classmate speaks. A lot of my classmates agreed to this and they were all so excited at the thought of winning.

"Hold on, I don't think that's a great idea" Jay speaks, catching everyone's attention.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't feel too confident about basketball." He replies.

"You're gonna do great! and besides, you'll be playing with a team. C'mon, what do you say?"

"Okay, I'll do it for the class." Jay sighs and everyone started cheering.

They started assigning who will play what sports while I just simply sat at my seat. Jay will be playing huh..

"Hey. Any sports that caught your interest?" Mia asks as she seats beside me.

"Nope, I'm still not interested. You'll be joining the volleyball team right?" I ask, even though I already knew the answer.

"Of course" She says, just as I expected.

I smiled at Mia and then I started thinking of something I wanted to do for Jay. I've been thinking about this for a while now. He's done so much for me, so I really wanted to give him something in return. Then what I thought was the greatest thing came to mind.

"Mia, are you busy on Sunday?" I ask.

"Nope. Why?" she asks, curious.

"I want to prepare something, but I need your help. Can you help me?"

"Sure." She says, smiling.


"Cooking?" Mia asks in surprise.

"That's right. I'll be preparing Jay a bento box for tomorrow. He'll be tired from the game, food can give him energy." I say all excited and proud of my idea.

"Avery." Mia sighs.


"Do you know how to cook?" She asks while looking at me in the eye.

"....no" I say looking down "..but that's why I called you! You can help me. Right?"

"Of course I can. If I knew how to cook, that is" Mia says like it wasn't really a surprise. But it was for me because I always thought Mia was a great cook.

"But I tried that meal you brought to school one time. That tasted so good" I say, still hoping Mia is just messing with me.

"My mom made that." She says.

I sat down. Trying to process this new information.

"What are we gonna do now? I can't give a horrible meal to Jay. It's supposed to be a gift, not a punishment" I say panicking.

"Relax, damn. We have youtube for a reason." Mia says and I felt sort of relieved.

We then searched up some recipes online. A meal that is tasty and hopefully something Jay will enjoy.

We had to go to the grocery and buy the missing ingredients. Mia slept in my place so that the next morning we can start cooking right away.

"We're done" I say as I sat down after preparing the meal for Jay. It's in a bento box together with a pair of chopsticks.

"Thank you so much for helping me"

"No problem. He better finishes that meal." She smiles proudly at the meal we prepared.

We laughed and talked for a while until we had to go to our school's sports festival. The meal is all set and ready, the only thing left is to give it to him.

Lots of love :)
- ims

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