32 💫

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I awoke from my deep slumber only to focus on my hand resting on my bed.

I raised it to take a closer look and saw the heart Jay drew from last night.

A smile formed as I think back to the events of the last gloaming. I feel my heart fluttering once again as I hid my face on my pillow while I scream lightly.

"What a great way to start my day!" I sat up and raised my arms high before I got out of bed.


"You look like you had a great sleep," My mom says at the dining table when she noticed my beaming self.

I kissed her and my dad on the forehead before I find myself in a seat.

"I sure did" I start to munch on the pancakes my mom prepared for breakfast.

"Do you guys have any plans later? I was thinking we can have lunch outside" My dad spoke as he munches on his food.

"Sounds great to me" I take a sip from my orange juice.

Today is going to be fun!

We talked about life and laughed as we ate our breakfast, we were then interrupted by a doorbell.

"I'll get it" My mom stood up and made her way to the door.

We waited for a reaction but didn't hear any, I then decided to check on it myself. My dad later followed.

"Mom? Whose at the door-"

I halt when I saw a presence I didn't expect to see.

"Aunt Giann?" I say in surprise

"Hi, Avery! It's been so long" She walked my way and hugged me.

Aunt Giann is Jay's aunt. She's the aunt Jay spoke of that one time. I also met her a few times when I was young.

As I was hugging her I saw Jay at the entrance, he gave me a little wave and an apologetic smile for the unannounced visit.

"What brings you here?" my mom asked.

"Well, I wanted to invite you guys for lunch later" she smiled.

"We will be preparing some food and it would be nice to invite the Jung family. Right, Jay?"

My eyes landed on Jay.

"Right" he smiles slightly.

"We'll be there. Thank you for inviting us, it's very thoughtful of you"

"Of course! We're like family friends, don't worry about it" she winks at my mom before she and jay left.

"I guess no family time for us later" my dad joked which resulted in us laughing


I made sure not to overdress for lunch later, so I decided to wear a simple dark blue dress that landed a few inches before my knee.

My Brightest Star || Park JongseongTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang