Ch 34: Is that her?

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Luca's POV

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Luca's POV

She's here, she's alive, my beautiful angel is here. Elle is here, she's still alive.

After she delivered her greeting, she returned behind the curtain and did not come out again. Where is she going? Then I saw her and her men above, in her private lounge. I then walked upwards, where she was

I can't believe this, she's so amazing. Elle is very sexy, in a dress that shows off her cleavage, her luscious skin, creamy legs, her long hair that is very shiny, her gaze is fierce, showing fire in her gaze. I can't believe she's alive, why did she do it?

I then arrived at the front door and saw the two men earlier, "I want to meet your boss" I said dryly and coldly.

"Have you made an appointment, sir?" asked one of the men, oh Lucifer, don't they know who I am?

"No, but this is an impromptu business purpose," I said in a serious tone.

"Your name, sir?" they asked, "Lucassio Romano" I said glaringly

"Okay sir, we will convey it to madam first" said one of them, and began to move inside.

Madam? Very hot. Wait? What? Wait .. wait .. Elle won't let me in if she finds out it's me

"Wait, I have to get in right away, I can't stay long" I tell them, then they look at me doubtfully.

"Sorry sir, we can't, due to the safety. Don't worry sir, it's only a moment" they said, and one of them began to enter the room.

Oh how worried I am.

Matteo's Pov

I was walking to Elle's private lounge, I can't wait to meet her, and I also have an agreement to discuss with Damien, or should I say Elle. When I entered the front, I saw Luca there, and I continued walking towards the entrance

"-in right away, I can't stay long" said Luca with desperation

"Sorry sir, we can't, due to the safety. Please don't worry sir, it's only a moment" they said, and one of them started to enter the room.

Luca will definitely want to meet Elle

"Let him in, he's with me" I said in a deep, booming voice.

"He's with you sir ...?" they said, "Mr. Fernandez, I have an appointment with Damien to discuss our business" I told them with a flat, dominant face.

"Yes sir, we will inform the madam in advance of your arrival," they said, and one of them went inside.

"What are you doing here?" asked Luca sarcastically, "I told you I have business to discuss" I said angrily with him

"I see, don't you only want to meet Elle?" he said sarcastically again, oh this man

"That too, you better keep quiet Romano, you should be thankful I helped you get in" I told him irritably, that ungrateful brat he was.

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